…If she combs her hair gently indicates that you can end that problem is concerned; if you are blond and well-cut indicates new projects to be undertaken; black sign of trouble and punishment; grizzled are premonition of slights and anxieties; If you drop a sign of loss or abandonment of loved ones; A bald man represents unusual joys; bald woman expresses lack of support from their peers; wash your hair means purity of feelings. 31 – hair – A lucky number sleep hair – 31…
Storm dreams are always alert calls subconscious. They are symbols used to warn the dreamer who comes more or less harmful or dangerous against which the dreamer should be forewarned, starting with reviewing and settle their outstanding issues, it does not always know where the storm will come, although men business do know, because supposedly have their affairs under control. To dream that the threat of a storm warning is heard often a dangerous disease that affect your home or there will be other adverse issues such as anger and even alienation from family and friends, as well as some unforeseeable misfortunes. Dreamed in a house that is shaken or even destroyed by a storm he suggests serious disturbances in daily, same life that may force him to change domicile, employment and perhaps city. To dream that others are suffering in a storm and that some of them die, he suggests that you should immediately make an examination of conscience to have at least an idea of how close the dreamer to suffer the same as witnessed in the dream. To dream that a destructive storm passes and returning sunlight and the general tranquility, it may mean that all penalties are taken at the time of sleep will be inconsequential and passing and then comes the calm….
Dream a tower hints that aspires to rise above the environment they live. If sleep up to reach the maximum height, it is a symbol of success close. Generally speaking, the tower suggests that we atrincheremos within us not to show our character weaknesses of people we know, and so avoid being taken advantage of it for their own benefit….
The dream warns us of the need to engage more sincere and profound issues in our way, either from the point of view of labor or sentimental. It depends on the feeling we have in the dream to see us involved, we can interpret a warning about our fear of committing or otherwise our desire to move away from the superficiality in our personal relationships….
Map dream means that in real life is carried away by a path that will bring satisfaction and that will help you realize your wishes. If it sounds consulting a map may ally themselves will suffer some small problems with money. Dreaming studying a map means that it will run on a road and along achieve its goals….
Washing dream means that it is proud of its social life and personal efforts and can also receive some fame and prestige. On the other hand it symbolizes clean away from unhappy experiences or emotions in your life. Dreaming washed the feet means that change your line of work and undertakes a more fruitful work. Washing your car dream suggests that your troubles will soon pass. You can be ready to go through life with a new perspective and fresh attitude….