
To dream that you are a hostage means that victim feels a certain situation. Dream that this may also indicate a hostage not know how to express opinions and desires….


 -Be Kidnapped indicates bad luck in business. -Raptar To an unknown person, close danger to their activities. -Raptar A loved one, success in the affective domain. -Attend Kidnapping, unforeseen events will surprise you….


Dream a forest in a dream means that in life, you will have to go through numerous tests, dangers and obstacles, you can overcome if held firm, with guile, perseverance, perseverance and without giving up on your goals….


Dreamed sleepwalker might actually happen, since many of the dreams occur precisely in a state of somnambulism. The warning of this dream business is often held without full consciousness, or as generally said sleepily, being in the clouds or the moon, which does not always give good results….


Dream lamps, lanterns or any handheld device that serves to illuminate the walk and it’s on, suggests that in real life the dreamer is aware of its own affairs, including consciousness, which redound to their benefit. Dreamed that lighting a lamp indicates successful start is handling matters. Dreaming lighting objects, but off, hints mental confusion, so we do not know which way to go | but if dim light appear next to extinction, it suggests that whatever is desired for lost and must work hard to avoid it, correcting errors. Dreamed with a lamp in his hand and falls to the ground, and even worse if destroyed, indicates serious risk of failure when it craves. Conversely, if the lamp intensity increases, it indicates certain success in the immediate future. Cleaning dreamed a lantern, flashlight, etc., it indicates that soon will have the expected success, but on condition that you carefully review the way they work. Dreamed of buying a lantern or flashlight suggests that there will be good business or improve those already being treated. A young woman who dreams illuminating the face of her lover with a flashlight suggests that doubts that is the man for you. If the flashlight indicates romantic relationships break off. Dream lamps, flashlights, torches, etc., is announcing a near future successes in matters being handled. Dreamed with a flashlight or torch in hand, lighting the floor where you walk, he insinuates that is looking for ways to auto overcome or at least accommodated advantageously in their activities….


Dreamed in a beautiful garden (orchard) with plenty of flowers, quiet, no noise or disturbance, indicates that the dreamer is at peace with himself. Dreamed in a flowery garden, walking accompanied the beloved, happiness and success next insinuates thanks to the success that is managing his affairs. Dream a limp, little flower garden, as usually happens in winter time, it insinuates that will soon pass moments of sadness because of illness or loss. If you are lost it is ad unlucky and failures in everything we undertake. When a woman dreams of a garden has flowers instead of vegetables, insinuates that if you act wisely you can achieve success in the social environment. Dream flower gardens it is good, as always announces a quiet, happy, optimistic, surrounded by honest, friendly and caring people future. Dreamed of walking in a beautiful flower garden and announces joy and probability of success in what you are driving. Dreamed in a wedding party held in a garden, announces successes and benefits nearby. A young girl who dreams in a garden waiting for someone, be granted hints that what craves | but if the garden appears gloomy, dirty, neglected, without flowers, then it indicates that your wishes will be frustrated. Dream vipers (snakes or rats) in a insinuates that jealousies, intrigues and evil intentions of adversaries not be allowed to succeed in their goals garden. Dreamed of walking in a garden is holidays announcement, joys and successes. If you walk in the company of a loved one, suggests upcoming marriage | but if the garden appears dirty, neglected, sparsely vegetated, then it indicates the opposite….