
Dreaming an overflowing basket of food, and better if worn on the hand or arm, indicates that enjoys prosperity and will continue, perhaps better over time. Dream that takes in hand an empty basket, and worse if it is old or broken, indicates next failures and hardships that might lead to misery and sorrow….


Dreamed of looking into the distance with a spyglass indicates that there will soon be disadvantageous changes to the dreamer. Dream a glass broken and useless indicates loss of friends and social prestige due to their misconduct….


Dreamed of putting on a shirt is a symbol that, because of their misconduct, is losing the affection and respect of others. Dream he lost his shirt is announcement setbacks in business and in the sentimental. Dreamed squeezing a shirt announces business difficulties that will end up in losses and debts. Dream his dirty shirt, stained or broken is the announcement of a close disease….


A compass dream indicates that you are not very sure of himself and seeks advice instruct you also that your life is too influenced by customs, traditions or discipline that you want to break away. Compass dream of a boat sailing announces that soon improve your life in many ways. Dreaming a compass that does not move because it is damaged, or the needle is broken or bent, it is the announcement of upcoming difficulties, losses or problems perhaps even sentimental….


Usually dreaming bottles indicates celebrations, joys, although there are variations, for example, when the bottles appear filled with a clean, clear liquid, it is a good dream that announces that all existing problems at the time will soon be resolved and there will be new and advantageous opportunities and relationships. When the bottles appear totally empty, and if they are dirty worse, is a warning that will be compounding the problems. Broken bottles next dream indicates failures and losses sentimental, business, employment, etc….


Dream a severed arm, either their own or not, it indicates divorce (if married) or breaking of relations and commitments (if a proposed marriage), which usually happens as a result of intrigues by those around the couple. Dreaming arms that stretch to the dreamer suggests honest friends, to receive protection When those arms appear sick, malnourished or emaciated, she hints health conditions for the dreamer. Dreaming one or more healthy, strong and agile arms indicates that you are receiving help at least moral. Weak and immobile arms dream reveals that the dreamer is in a state of mental and physical restlessness due to uncertainty and doubts that do not allow you to make decisions. Dreaming one or more arms sick, wounded, bleeding or broken hints that soon losses and various ailments such as business failures, material and emotional losses, illness more or less serious of a family will suffer when those hugs appear behind a lattice announce the likelihood that someone close to the dreamer falls in jail….


A business person who dreams in a pottery shop or a glassware that are empty of all goods, is warning and announcement of bad business. When, on the contrary, appear shelves full of parts ready for sale, insinuates good business in the near future. Dreamed of traveling or watching calmly objects in a glass insinuates that is or must be carefully reviewing their affairs to avoid complications and probable losses. When a woman dreams of walking quietly glassware or pottery shop indicates that longs to have a good home with efficient staff at your service. When a woman dreams to an employee of glassware cleaning, adjusting and revising the pieces on the shelves hints that wants her husband (in the future or already present) is a careful man in his business and in everything you do. Dreaming ceramics containing clear liquid indicates that the prosperity we enjoy is due to the investment of other people honest. Dream broken and useless objects ceramics is warning of upcoming changes in health or economic hardship. Dreaming ceramics or plain clay, but empty, he hints that his misbehavior annoys those around you. Dreamed of drinking wine in a clay pot indicates good health and economic slack | but if drinking is unpalatable, then it is a warning that soon there will be setbacks. If a pot appears during sleep, with nothing to review, usually they predict that soon news of a loved one will be taken….


Rings and rings mean superiority and power. Dreamed of using rings suggests that in the immediate future undertake new tasks successfully. Dream rings in others it indicates prosperity in others with some impact on their own interests. Dream a broken or defective ring suggests that difficulties, jealousies and misunderstandings are coming home. When that dream is between lovers hints that will break in relations. A young man who dreams getting a ring as a gift from a man, suggests that her lover will soon propose marriage. If self receives a ring as a gift, it is a sign of well-being and happiness. If given away to someone else means that soon will have to provide assistance to a family member or friend….


When a woman dreams of looking earrings without touching them, and the more valuable and beautiful best, indicates that a job or have important business in the future. If you dream that you are using and wearing, it indicates a serious risk of loss of prestige among friends, even if the dreamer does not give reasons for this. This same dream in a married woman announces problems at home, with spouse or family, particularly his. A woman who dreams of beautiful earrings of another woman who is looking, indicates that someone close is at risk of falling into various problems, including legal, that somehow affect the dreamer. A woman or a man who dreams broken earrings, indicates that you are at risk of falling into trouble, even legal, perhaps because of his recklessness….


Dreaming the sound of a horn hints that soon receive good and welcome news. Dream a broken horn indicates bad news, perhaps because of an illness or an accident. Dreaming children playing with horns suggests tranquility and joy at home and in social relations. A young maiden who dream of blowing a horn and trying to make it sound insinuates that yearns to crystallize their marriage….


Crystal dream no matter the form, usually it bodes ill. Dreaming glass objects placed in a insinuates that their affairs are inactive order, which are fragile and are waiting for something that may be unpleasant. If objects appear in disarray and some are broken, it is announced that bad times are approaching, their business affairs and soon suffer disorders and even losses. A woman who dreams furniture and crockery, all glass, is warning that should not rely much on some of his friends because predominates envy and hypocrisy….


Dreaming clean and nice curtains announces the visit of people with few pretensions. But if the curtains are broken and dirty or old, it indicates that people who receive news or be so unpleasant that will create problems….


Dreamed of wearing glasses in real life when you do not use indicates difficulties in the environment in which it operates or antipathy to people who call themselves friends, but they are just hypocrites. Young woman dreaming her suitor using lenses without necesitarles suggests that soon there will be difficulties and even break relationships because she suspects insincerity of her lover. According as they appear in the dream glasses, this is how you are watching or judging everyday matters, whether personal or other | for example, if they appear broken, it suggests that matters should be reviewed carefully | if lost, they suggest that the problems they face are not understood, etc….


Dreamed hosted at a banquet and uncorking bottles to serve diners hints that soon enjoy benefits that will improve the economic and social conditions of the dreamer. Uncorking bottles or bottles dreamed of drugs suggests that they are losing energy, which bodes ill. Dream fishing rod cork floating in water indicates clean and quiet successes nearby. When the water is dirty and worse if agitated, it indicates that some unscrupulous people will produce different ailments and dislikes, perhaps through blackmail. Corking bottles dreamed indicates that it is handling well all his affairs. A young woman who dreams uncorking bottles of champagne hints that will soon bring you a lover of good economic position, but will question the reputation of the dreamer. This dream is a warning. Dream a corkscrew it implies being dissatisfied with what surrounds him, or that nothing pleases nor satisfied, which is creating her social or family problems. If the corkscrew is broken when used, it is a warning that, or change their way of being the dreamer, or their problems will worsen….


Dreamed of wearing gloves indicates that one must be cautious, mainly in money management. This is a warning to prevent legal problems. Dreamed of using dirty and broken gloves is warning to take precautions, as it may suffer losses even different values. To dream that you lost your gloves indicates that you should not rely on outside assistance and should plan to solve its problems by itself. Dreamed of finding gloves wedding is a probability or new business. When a man dreams of a woman’s glove in his hand indicates a woman who will try to dominate and blackmail. Dreamed of pulling off a glove hand suggests that businesses go wrong and if not addressed properly worsen….


A woman who dreams sweet music of a guitar, but without seeing the musical instrument, indicates that if not firm and strong, can easily fall into illicit love or at least be deceived by false loves. This is what is meant by siren. If you see the guitar with broken strings, he suggests that soon lack the harmony around and even be sentimental breakups. A man who dreams of a guitar music insinuates that is likely to be driven by easy love that ultimately create problems. If you dream singing and playing a guitar or other stringed instrument, but against a woman he indicates that their claims can be reciprocated love. If you are also accompanied by friends who also play instruments and sing hints that soon return to their missing loved ones side. Any person who dreams pressing a guitar, although know not to touch, suggests that craves harmony and love around, perhaps for lack of it….


All clock means time, and if the hands are moving, means active time, therefore suggests not death, as was thought at one time | by contrast, today is thought to suggest activity, movement, life. To dream that you see the time on a clock suggests that care should be taken against rivals already known. To dream that a watch is broken, it is threat of various losses in business or any other. To dream that falls from the hands of a clock crystal suggests enmities, false friends and own oversights that will cause losses. To dream that will steal your watch suggests danger enemies from the darkness shall prejudice the honor and tranquility of home. Self dream that flatters a clock suggests that tries to avoid difficult and uncomfortable situations and suffer attacks on their honor, dignity and reputation. To dream that you are moving clockwise suggests that something important is coming and that maybe time is being wasted instead of going in search of success. To dream that a wristwatch is, no matter what kind, suggests that it could achieve much more with more effort. It also suggests that there is a very intimate satisfaction with what has been achieved so far. Dream you see on any watch that the hands are moving closer together to get one over the other in the number l2 suggests that success is very close. When the dreamer is giving wind a watch, he suggests that all social relations will be favorable and that their interests will be favored. To dream that someone is giving you a watch suggests that they try to pass their problems….


Dreamed broken any part of the body or injury is a warning that self-blame is running the risk of serious setbacks and losses to matters being handled. This dream, especially if repeated several times, warns that there are problems at home or mental instability who dreams (hesitations, changes of opinion, etc.). Breaking dreamed own or other furniture, it may mean that there are constant fights at home, caused by jealousy. Dreamed of breaking glass objects, especially cups or glasses, it is a symbol of happiness and prosperity. Breaking dreamed clothing can mean complaints and lawsuits in the home and family that may end very badly….


To dream that is entered through a door may mean that there will be calumnies from enemies of those who tried to flee. If the door is the house of his childhood days, then it means joy in the immediate future. An open door dream suggests triumph in love. If the door of a mansion suggests economic successes. If a garden, announces parties and outings. To dream that someone tries to lock the door where the dreamer is going and that it is clear from its hinges and falls suggests that someone needs your help, but you can not give you even looking forward to it. Dreamed of opening a door suggests that soon new activities will be undertaken successfully. Dreamed of painting an old door partially destroyed it suggests that yearns for a life change aimed to amass a fortune on the basis of effort and work. To dream that other people cross a door without difficulty means frustrations because the issues themselves are not going well. If it is a politician who dreams means unfavorable changes. For an artist, inventor or writer may mean that your work will not be accepted, which advised to check what all that has been done. When a door appears closed and the dreamer can not open, it suggests that is probably not on the right track, causing difficulties both in family and in business and with friends. When the dream is the dreamer collapses or breaks a door, suggests that soon will have several problems, including with authorities. Dreaming is heard behind a door what happens on the other side, it suggests that certain enemies are conspiring against the dreamer, or that he, meanwhile, is thinking of doing something wrong. To dream that is trying to cross a door and it is clear from its hinges hurting someone, it may mean that their advice and recommendations can seriously hurt who receive them, so you should think very carefully before handing them. If a woman dreams that during a rainy night passing through a door may mean that at least intends to experience objectionable adventures. If a man dreams above, it means vices and reprehensible conduct. According to Freud, when a man dreams of a door is a sexual symbol, ie not satisfied impulses and sexual desires. Dreamed of going through a door, no matter what shape or size suggests that soon receive news, perhaps unpleasant, relating to matters being handled. Dreamed swinging on an open door suggests lack of seriousness and honesty in their activities. Dreaming a closed and difficult to open can mean that opportunities have been wasted can no longer recover door. Dreamed of seeing a broken door, and worse if it appears fall, suggesting no chance of getting what you want, so it is better to look for other options. Dreamed of trying to force a locked door to go through it may mean that there is no probability of success in what you want….


Dreaming new, gleaming porcelain, it means successful business and prosperity | but if the porcelain is dirty, broken or old, it may mean that everything will go wrong, perhaps with failures and losses….


Dreaming clean handrails of any kind suggests that you have free passage into their plans and projects, with the probability of success. Dreaming dirty, broken or old railings is a warning that the people you have to negotiate oppose stubborn resistance….


Dream a piano suggests attend a party. If he listens to upbeat music it is a symbol of success nearby. If the notes are discordant, he suggests that their affairs are not going well. sad music announces sadness and frustration in the immediate future. Dream a broken or unusable piano announces losses. An old piano dream suggests that are driving their businesses with outdated methods, reason lost opportunities and profits….


Dreaming that are worn, or just the appearance of sandals in sleep is usually a sign that there are one or more people who are willing to lend us the help we need. If in the dream, sandals are broken and damaged or too old or used, it means that even though the message is received, receive no help and the situation will not improve in any way….


Dreamed of walking on a mat indicates that all is well and soon the good results will be rewarded. Dreamed of buying rugs indicates that prosperity smiles and should use it to keep it that way. Insinuates selling rugs dreamed wishes of fun and pleasure trips, but without having to leave the business. When a woman dreams of beautiful rugs may mean that yearns to enjoy a good life in a beautiful and comfortable home. Dream a dirty and broken carpet, indicates the imminent risk of an already chronic disease, but will worsen, particularly the nervous system. If the dreamer is mending or cleaning said carpet, it is a sign that should visit the doctor as soon as possible….


Listening dreamed recorded on a record player announces joys, parties, etc., due to own or family or close friends music hits. If the recording is interrupted, for example because the disk or tape is broken, then it insinuates that serious problems are coming….


When a man dreams that his wife is mopping or washing floors or walls announces that suffer shame, sorrow, unavoidable commitments, which puts you at risk of becoming a victim of blackmail. It is the same meaning in the case of the man who handles the mop. In both cases, if the trapero appears broken, it hints coming hardships and failures due to social relationships or emotional problems….


If your ankles look normal during sleep, usually a harbinger of happiness, success and satisfaction. Conversely, if the ankles look stunted, wounded or broken means the arrival of difficulties, setbacks of fortune, illness, and even the disappearance of a relative or close friend….


Scissors dreaming a bad dream for girlfriends or wives, it suggests jealousy | also it occurs in men, but mainly channeling that feeling against competitors in the activity in which you are working. Dream very sharp scissors or hints that the dreamer is willing (a) to resort to extremes to get what you want. To dream that when using scissors, these are broken, announces break in relations. To dream that the scissors are lost insinuates inability to achieve what he craves. Usually this dream refers to unconscious desires to end a situation or a relationship. Most of the time predicted separations, family quarrels or very complicated situations….


View during sleep tiles in good condition means that we are protected against the hazards of daily life. Usually a sign that we will use our advantages to provide greater comfort to our home and that we will achieve happiness in the family. The dream becomes an opposite meaning if the tiles are broken or damaged and depending on the seriousness of his condition. In general, a roof or a roof symbolize the protection of your possessions and property and the safety of your family and home relief….


Dreaming is a thermometer announcement disease, bad business or family difficulties. Dream a broken thermometer announces that the issues being addressed go from bad to worse until the disaster. Applied dreams a thermometer to check the temperature of the body is next harbinger of disease….