
If there are sexual implications in sleep, its meaning is clear, but otherwise can estarse showing the desire to be free from hypocrisy. If we are happy as we are naked, it may be an escape from social conditioning. But if we feel uncomfortable, it may reflect a latent helplessness….


If you who takes another person in sleep, may your unconscious you are talking about a lack of meaning in your life, and if you’re the one adopted, can translate the dream by a notice of lack of affection or need for protection and support. It can also mean responsibilities that are affecting those who do not correspond….


If we see wide, empty, lost in the horizon it is a magnificent dream that makes manifest wish to improve, and our unconscious confirms that our hopes are well founded. But if we see an alley the meaning is the opposite and will be worth it carefully analyze the situations in which we are involved because they can come difficulties….


 It symbolizes the lower regions of consciousness and feeling of inferiority. If in the gorge we devise a waterway to the above meaning we can add the purification and regeneration. This dream warns us of the existence of a hazard that raffled happily see if deep water….