
 If the rope hanging above symbolizes a means of ascension. If we are suspended from a rope portends that we will soon reach a higher position. If we’re climbing up the rope indicates our desire to move up. If we’re down or we fall we portend a decline position, the frustration of our hopes. If the rope is on the floor, on furniture or in our hands is a warning about the state of our business. It has the same meaning if we acquire or receive a rope….


 Reveals dissatisfaction due to mental, emotional or professional reasons. If we dream we eat something we do not like portends that we will face something unpleasant. Also the meaning is the same if we have difficulty chewing or swallowing. -Eat Accompanied reveals friendship and affinity with others. -Eat Alone, sadness and depression. If we eat natural foods and simple means that we are redeeming life experiences. If we eat sweets it means we welcome and positive emotional experiences. If the dream informs us of the price or steal candy reveals an excess of sentimentality….


 -The Most common meaning is sexual, especially if they are young dreamers. It also symbolizes wisdom and healing power. -See A sleeping snake it indicates that our instinctual forces are asleep. If you wake up and cause us fear glides it reveals desires of a spiritual evolution. -To Dream with a snakeskin or see it as silent indicates that a profound evolutionary change is coming. If poisonous snakes appear indicating fear it is to meet in embarrassing situations….

Eating, food

 Reveals dissatisfaction due to mental, emotional or professional reasons. If we dream we eat something we do not like portends that we will face something unpleasant. Also the meaning is the same if we have difficulty chewing or swallowing. -Eat Accompanied reveals friendship and affinity with others. -Eat Alone, sadness and depression. If we eat natural foods and simple means that we are redeeming life experiences. If we eat sweets it means we welcome and positive emotional experiences. If the dream informs us of the price or steal candy reveals an excess of sentimentality….


 Deciphering important news portends a message whose meaning will seem strange and upset some customs of his life….

Lame, take

 -Soñarnos Lame augurs delays, inability to get what we want. -To Dream take another person, this other person apply the above meaning….


 It’s a nightmare that reflects a moral untenable situation or material. No matter what or who is dismembered, its meaning always warns us to put an end to this situation or lose the physical or mental health….


 All dreams of notes have a similar meaning. One thing in this life are the capabilities and qualities we possess quite another role in which we play. Many times we are forced to live far below or far above our true capabilities….


 -The Most common meaning is sexual, especially if they are young dreamers. It also symbolizes wisdom and healing power. -See A sleeping snake it indicates that our instinctual forces are asleep. If you wake up and cause us fear glides it reveals desires of a spiritual evolution. -To Dream with a snakeskin or see it as silent indicates that a profound evolutionary change is coming. If poisonous snakes appear indicating fear it is to meet in embarrassing situations….


 It is a symbol of power and strength. Hair dreams if they match our real aspect meaningless. If we are with long silky hair indicates that we have good capabilities to succeed. With thinning hair, loss and misfortune. If we drop or cut us it is completely ruin. If we cut it voluntarily, spiritual elevation. -Soñarnos Bald in real life and have hair loss portends friends. -the frizzy hair difficulties. -Despeinados, Embezzlement. Very care, superficiality. -Black, great capacity to love. -Rubios, Friendship. -Castaños, Sincerity. -Pelirrojos, Jealousy. -white, Dignity and wisdom….


 -The Most common meaning is sexual, especially if they are young dreamers. It also symbolizes wisdom and healing power. -See A sleeping snake it indicates that our instinctual forces are asleep. If you wake up and cause us fear glides it reveals desires of a spiritual evolution. -To Dream with a snakeskin or see it as silent indicates that a profound evolutionary change is coming. If poisonous snakes appear indicating fear it is to meet in embarrassing situations….

Candlestick or lampstand

 Augurs well-being and wealth to be acquired with effort. If the candles go out during sleep portends that our work will have been in vain. This will unite the meaning of ” vela ” = – When the flame of a candle is strong, light and rises vertically with little smoke, it is that we know very well what we want in life. -A Candle flickering flame, which burns with difficulty and abundant smoke indicates that our ideas are fragile and unstable. If fade is that we are reaching the limits of our possibilities. It imposes a break. When we light a candle to illuminate a dark place and well lit, it indicates that decisively and effectively undertake a spiritual preparation our journey inward. If burns with difficulty indicates that we are not yet ready for this trip….


 This dream warns us that we monitor our freedom and independence. If in a dream we recognize who puts the necklace will be that person who will come danger. If we do not recognize who puts the danger comes from ourselves, from our vanity or sensuality. If we who give you the necklace indicates we want this person as partner or sensuality. To this we can add the meaning of material that this made the collar….


 Dreaming of a lake gives us information about our emotions. -A Lake surrounded by lush vegetation increases the meaning of life and sentimentality and indicates the desire to express love and emotions and passions live. If the banks are arid they indicate the fear of not able to realize our amorous desires. If the water is clean it confirms that our feelings are well founded. If the waters are troubled or agitated by the storm portends difficult loves. -what Say or do people join us we inform you about your true personality. -Pescar On the lake indicates our desire to find partners. If the lake is very murky and dead fish or indicates failure of sentimental hope is dry….


 Reveals dissatisfaction due to mental, emotional or professional reasons. If we dream we eat something we do not like portends that we will face something unpleasant. Also the meaning culties to chew or swallow. -Eat Accompanied reveals friendship and affinity with others. -Eat Alone, sadness and depression. If we eat natural foods and simple means that we are redeeming life experiences. If we eat sweets it means we welcome and positive emotional experiences. If the dream informs us of the price or steal candy reveals an excess of sentimentality….


 -The Gold jewelry warn us against pride. -The Silver portend benefits. -The warn us against false vanity and presumption. -Rotas Portend frustration. -Deslustradas Or dirty business problems. -Perderlas, Problems with our personal property. -Hallarlas, Dangerous temptations. -Comprarlas, Loss of money. If present us with them is a council not we pay or we borrow. -Llevarlas Put, backbiting. In a much higher level jewels acquire the meaning of spiritual truths, symbols of a higher knowledge. Dreams that the jewels are discovered in caves symbolize wisdom that there is hidden and ignored in our subconscious….


 When a professional appears in our dreams reveals that something exists in the profession or in its symbolism that has a special importance for us and we can unravel special attention to their level. -the Lowest level corresponds to sailors and fishermen because they work at sea level. Symbolizes the removal of the contents of the unconscious, ie, must confront the forces of the unconscious and passion. -a Higher level corresponds to the farmers, gardeners and other workers in the fields and valleys. These workers symbolize the same as the sea but with something more than intellect. -The Shepherds and farmers working on the slopes of the mountain and symbolize the same. -The Miners extract the treasures within. -The Blacksmiths and potters are shapers of our inner raw material. -The Top corresponds to the ascetics and sages who lead spiritual life and material sense; the warriors who defend and martyrs who suffer. This meaning is applicable to any profession and encuadraremos at the appropriate level….


 If the liana hangs above symbolizes a means of ascension. If we are suspended from a vine portends that we will soon reach a higher position. If we’re up the liana indicates our desire to move up. If we’re down or we fall we portend a decline position, the frustration of our hopes. If the vine is on the floor, on furniture or in our hands is a warning about the state of our business. It has the same meaning if we acquire or receive a liana….


 The butterfly symbolizes lightness, inconstancy and recklessness. In another facet symbolizes the soul, death and rebirth. -To Dream with butterflies it indicates lightness that can manifest itself in love or in business and that will lead us to ruin. The color can indicate the cause of our lightness. For example = * If white indicates ignorance. * Yellow, lack of knowledge. * Red indicates that we let ourselves be carried away by the passions of the moment. * Blue, by the unreality of a stupid romanticism. If the butterfly is night prognosis it indicates that we are near immorality and sometimes even illegal. If it’s daytime there are no hidden intentions. Another meaning is to announce that our life is starting a transformation that elevate us materially and morally….


 It means eliminating, to disappear. Killing someone in a dream reveals our desire that this person stop interfering in our affairs. -See Kill someone indicates a state of confusion and bewilderment at the behavior of others. If the victim is us is a dream of death. (See the meaning of death) If what kill or we kill an animal in dreams is what we want to eliminate is a situation or an annoying, painful or difficult for us indeed….


 If we dream we chew something we do not like portends that we will face something unpleasant. Also the meaning is the same if you have difficulty swallowing. -Masticar Accompanied reveals friendship and affinity with others. -Masticar Alone, sadness and depression. If we chew natural foods and simple means that we are redeeming life experiences. If candy chew means we welcome and positive emotional experiences….


 Dreaming of a salt marsh provides information about our emotions. -A Marsh surrounded by lush vegetation increases the meaning of life and sentimentality and indicates the desire to express love and emotions and passions live. If the banks are arid they indicate the fear of not able to realize our amorous desires. If the water is clean it confirms that our feelings are well founded. If the waters are troubled or agitated by the storm portends difficult loves. -what Say or do people join us we inform you about your true personality. -Pescar In the marsh indicates our desire to find partners. If the marsh is very cloudy and dead fish is dry or indicates failure of sentimental hope….


 It symbolizes the rhythm and the passing of our lives. -see In a dream portends a stopped clock that has stopped our evolution or its owner was finished rope, it ie their lifetime. If the delayed clock warns us to accelerate our pace of work if you do not want to see ourselves overtaken by events. If delayed indicates that we should take things more calmly if you do not want to see threaten our health and our lives. If madly rotate the hands or dream you constantly look at the clock reveals our anxiety about the pace of life we ​​lead. If it works well and called our attention when pointing the dream’s meaning it depends on the context and the appointed time. For example = If we believe it’s all over for us and we see the clock ticking noon tells us that a new stage begins full of opportunities because we have a lot of life ahead….

Wild beasts

 Meaning of approaching danger….


 Meaningless. It is the dream representation of a real noise….


 First we see if there are sexual implications in which case its meaning can not be more evident. Otherwise = -Vernos naked amounts to be free from all hypocrisy. If we are happy it reflects the fatigue that causes us continuous pretend that society imposes on us. In extreme cases it can reveal the desire to leave all kinds of social life. If the dream we find uncomfortable nudity reflects the helplessness, powerlessness we experience social or professionally. It can also represent that we are ashamed of our own body. If we see other people naked sexual desires may be, or desire to know the intentions and thoughts of others about us….


 First we see if there are sexual implications in which case its meaning can not be more evident. Otherwise = -Vernos naked amounts to be free from all hypocrisy. If we are happy it reflects the fatigue that causes us continuous pretend that society imposes on us. In extreme cases it can reveal the desire to leave all kinds of social life. If the dream we find uncomfortable nudity reflects the helplessness, powerlessness we experience social or professionally. It can also represent that we are ashamed of our own body. If we see other people naked sexual desires may be, or desire to know the intentions and thoughts of others about us….


 -To Know that foreshadows the dream that buried an animal or an object we must look at the meaning of what we buried. If not distinguish what buried augurs a radical change in his life….

Hors d’oeuvres

 Reveals dissatisfaction due to mental, emotional or professional reasons. If we dream we eat something we do not like portends that we will face something unpleasant. Also the meaning is the same if we have difficulty chewing or swallowing. -Eat Accompanied reveals friendship and affinity with others. -Eat Alone, sadness and depression. If we eat natural foods and simple means that we are redeeming life experiences. If we eat sweets it means we welcome and positive emotional experiences. If the dream informs us of the price or steal candy reveals an excess of sentimentality….


 Dreaming of a pond provides information on our emotions. -A Pond surrounded by lush vegetation increases the meaning of life and sentimentality and indicates the desire to express love and emotions and passions live. If the banks are arid they indicate the fear of not able to realize our amorous desires. If the water is clean it confirms that our feelings are well founded. If the waters are troubled or agitated by the storm portends difficult loves. -what Say or do people join us we inform you about your true personality. -Pescar In the pond indicates our desire to find partners. If the pond is very murky and dead fish or indicates failure of sentimental hope is dry….