
Dream white goats suggests that soon succeed in your goals and you will receive good news. Dreamed attacked by an angry goat he suggests that there are nearby enemies who seek to hurt in some way, such as theft, slander, espionage, forgery of documents, etc. Dreamed dominated by the horns to a goat or goat insinuates that is near full success in their business, as well as enemies or competitors will be defeated | but if you sleep goat or goat defeats in the struggle with the dreamer, it indicates that it should take maximum precautions regarding their enemies, they are known or not. Dream a herd of goats grazing quietly insinuates that reach achievements and economic and health benefits. When the field is barren or very poor pasture in this dream and therefore the herd is thin, suggests that poverty is about the dreamer. Dreaming black goats indicates that there will soon be suffering, sorrows, misfortunes, losses, etc. This dream is a bad omen. Dream a dead goat, and if black worse, suggests that the dreamer feels unable for many activities and who is sexually impotent mentality that naturally leads to failure in everything it undertakes. This phenomenon is usually only subconscious, that appears in dreams. A woman who dreams drinking goat milk indicates wants to marry a wealthy man, not caring neither love nor the future. A woman especially if you’re young, you dream of riding a goat suggests unfulfilled sexual desires. This dream is a warning that, if not repressed, suffer public disrepute….


A adultery, so that dream is a negative sign for the dreamer himself. Adultery dream to another or others suggests the dreamer nearby hypocrites who soon will cause difficulties to him or his family, although there is no justifiable grounds for doing so. Dreamed of committing adultery involves serious risk of legal punishment due to the commission of unlawful acts. It may also be that the dreamer has a sexuality repressed or unsatisfied for reasons beyond their control. When a woman committing adultery dreams he insinuates that his bad temper and intransigence, he feels he will not be able to keep the love of husband or lover, which in turn makes you think revenge. When a woman dreams of committing adultery with a friend of her husband suggests, among other interpretations, consciously or subconsciously you want revenge for inattention and indifference of the husband, which obviously can lead to delicate situations in marriage, therefore that dream is actually a warning to be resolved in time misunderstanding….


Hugs dream usually indicates hypocrisy, deceit, falsehood, especially if the dreamer who gets a hug. Dreamed of embracing the spouse it indicates that there will be discussions and difficulties misunderstandings and perhaps suspicion. When the hug is with an elderly person, someone insinuates disease in the family. Hugs between lovers dream almost always indicates dissension, strife and even break in relations. Dreamed of embracing a foreign person he implies the upcoming visit of someone undesirable. Dreamed of hugging someone suggests that there will be disappointments in love or very close friends. When a woman dreams embracing an unknown man suggests a hidden desire to have any unlawful conduct. A married woman who dreams lovingly embracing a man who is not her husband, is a warning that is putting at risk and questioned his honor. Hugs in dreams, whether given as if received, usually foreshadow the departure of a beloved family member or friend. Sometimes these hugs are a warning that not all the affection that are received are sincere. It’s better just to trust those people and especially friends who have really given samples that can be trusted….


A young to dream a beautiful bracelet placed on his arm suggests yearning for marriage, likely to be realized. A woman who has lost her dream bracelet, indicates that soon will have serious trouble with her boyfriend. A man or woman who dreams of finding a bracelet, indicates that soon improve their business of all kinds | but if the bracelet appears broken, damaged, old, etc., it indicates that what craves, no matter what the case, it will take a long time to complete. To dream that a bracelet is received, no matter why or how, indicates that some of his friends to help if needed, however, if the bracelet is a gift, but appears broken or badly treated, it is hypocritical friendships nothing will help….


Dreaming several horses trotting calmly indicates hopes of reaching the desires that have not materialized. It also tends to indicate that highly valued friendships are suffering some pain, for example by failures in business or disease. Dreaming one or more horses in passive attitude bodes well, as insinuated quiet days, no worries. Dream a quiet and grazing white horse is a symbol of strength to succeed and health to enjoy life, which speaks of a good future. If riding on that white horse indicates broad prosperity and important friendships. Dream a black horse suggests bad temper and brutal mistreatment and even to respectable people, but such behavior will not be an impediment to succeed in their business. This same dream in a married woman suggests that there will be problems with the husband. When the horse is brown, suggests the two above listed symbols. Dream a stallion, he suggests unfulfilled sexual desires. Dream a hurt, injured or sick horse suggests that early difficulties in matters being handled or a friend needs your help will be presented. Dream a horse pulling a plow or implies that a vehicle must work hard to solve seemingly unsolvable problems. Dreamed of riding a horse of any color other than black and other than a skinny or sick animal, he intimates successes nearby. If the horse is white, fat and healthy, suggests a prosperity that will allow you to travel and enjoy comforts and material values. If this is a racehorse, suggests frivolity or precipitation of the dreamer, which is exposed to significant losses. Crossing a river dreamed mounted hints and important gains next horse. If the horse falls and the dreamer is coming out of the water and ground, he suggests that all the difficulties that arise will be overcome. If the horse walks into a slope and sliding dangerously insinuates that dreamer affairs are going very badly, so it should require greater attention. Dream a horse riding not let rejections indicates that there will be serious in all matters being handled, even family or emotional. If you manage to saddle and ride the horse suggests that the problems are not serious and will be overcome advantageously. Dreamed of killing a horse hints that (the) dreamer is hurting the sensitivity of people who have trusted him (her). Dreamed of attending horse races suggests the desire to lead a dissipated by having some ephemeral successes life. Dreamed of putting new shoes on a horse most likely it indicates that in everyday life is thinking or planning business not very honest but they redituarán representing significant profits, even knowing that it will also bring problems. This is a dream warning to avoid falling into dangerous temptations. When a woman dreams of riding and carrying on haunches suggests a man who wants a marriage proposal from a suitor who knows. But if you feel scared to go riding, then it indicates that in real life does not rely much on that pretender (in doubt). Dream wild horses grazing peacefully nearby insinuates success in being worked | but if the horses are skinny and very poor pasture and generally the countryside is sad, then it indicates otherwise. Dreamed of riding slowly insinuates that their affairs are going well, but require streamlining, otherwise the long run you will not produce good results. If instead will gallop, it may indicate that by ambition, he is losing control of its affairs….


 It symbolizes the rhythm and the passing of our lives. -see In a dream portends a stopped clock that has stopped our evolution or its owner was finished rope, it ie their lifetime. If the delayed clock warns us to accelerate our pace of work if you do not want to see ourselves overtaken by events. If delayed indicates that we should take things more calmly if you do not want to see threaten our health and our lives. If madly rotate the hands or dream you constantly look at the clock reveals our anxiety about the pace of life we ​​lead. If it works well and called our attention when pointing the dream’s meaning it depends on the context and the appointed time. For example = If we believe it’s all over for us and we see the clock ticking noon tells us that a new stage begins full of opportunities because we have a lot of life ahead….


 When the well is well built, discovered and filled with water it becomes a symbol of sincerity, honesty and happiness. If the well is poorly constructed, sealed or the water dries up, or the rope breaks, or the cube is bored and can not hold water symbolism is totally opposite. If in our dream we fall into the pit it is one of the worst omens, unless someone get us out of it. Symbolizes wallow in the depths of the unconscious, unable to return to consciousness, equivalent to despair, neurosis and madness….


 It symbolizes the rhythm and the passing of our lives. -see In a dream portends a stopped clock that has stopped our evolution or its owner was finished rope, it ie their lifetime. If the delayed clock warns us to accelerate our pace of work if you do not want to see ourselves overtaken by events. If delayed indicates that we should take things more calmly if you do not want to see threaten our health and our lives. If madly rotate the hands or dream you constantly look at the clock reveals our anxiety about the pace of life we ​​lead. If it works well and called our attention when pointing the dream’s meaning it depends on the context and the appointed time. For example = If we believe it’s all over for us and we see the clock ticking noon tells us that a new stage begins full of opportunities because we have a lot of life ahead….


 It symbolizes the rhythm and the passing of our lives as the clock, so its meaning is the same. -see In a dream portends a stopped clock that has stopped our evolution or its owner was finished rope, it ie their lifetime. If the delayed clock warns us to accelerate our pace of work if you do not want to see ourselves overtaken by events. If delayed indicates that we should take things more calmly if you do not want to see threaten our health and our lives. If madly rotate the hands or dream you constantly look at the clock reveals our anxiety about the pace of life we ​​lead. If it works well and called our attention when pointing the dream’s meaning it depends on the context and the appointed time. For example = If we believe it’s all over for us and we see the clock ticking noon tells us that a new stage begins full of opportunities because we have a lot of life ahead….


Kissing in the dream to a person of the opposite sex and is not our partner, means harbinger of infidelity, but kiss your partner on the other hand, it indicates that good times are coming. Kiss the ground, it is a sign of feeling humiliated or scared to arrive penalties. Some authors add that seeing us in a dream kissing a dead, is harbinger of inheritance. Also in this dream must take into account that can estarse showing sexual tendencies repressed….

Political / policy

 Seeing them indicates hopes will not be realized….


Symbol of authority is so if we see that in the dream breaks can think about problems of command. If another person who uses it, it will be pressures we are seeing subject….

Loan shark

 Announces opposed to their hopes that support will look forward to seeing people who are failing in their activities circumstances….


Seeing them, indiscretion. Hear them, illness or death of someone close. 4 – Frog – A lucky number frog sleep – 4…


 When dreams stare down into the eyes of those before us reveals the fear to betray something we want to keep hidden. -Sentirnos Looked insistently but without seeing the eyes that look at us denote guilt complexes. If we dream we blind or blindfolded is indicative of an illogical fear of being cheated or persecuted or can also reveal our powerlessness over the circumstances of real life. -To Dream that we suffer from sight without wearing glasses shows a lack of courage that prevents us look straight facts. If we go to an eye doctor it indicates the desire to find one we can to involve our problems and help us….


Symbolically we announce prosperity and wealth, but perhaps in the form of employment and work, so you should be aware of these issues. However, seeing us attacked by bees can also mean complications with our colleagues or partners and some interpretations agree to translate a bee sting in a dream, as a danger to our reputation because of backbiting….


To dream that the day approaches, is to see approaching clarity, then this dream is all an optimistic omen because it indicates that our subconscious is already foreseeing a time of greater light and the end of some conflicts that leave room for our hopes….


 The first thing to do with this dream is disposed question of fear of seeing a movie or information that leads us to this fear. If it does not refer to a real insecurity or fear of something that concerns us. If dreams of fear are very common, it would be advisable to consult a specialist as it may reflect nerve imbalances that certainly can be treated properly….


If we whistle the ears in the dream it is manifesting fear or intuition of gossip and criticism of our actions. If we are covering our ears we symbolizes not want to recognize our emotional dependency on another person or situation. Some authors consider placing pending seeing in our ears or someone else, the dream speaks of possible marriage or sentimental alliance….


If we are the soldiers, the dream brings us to our caution in a difficult situation with which we suspect will fight, so we are preparing. If in the dream we see soldiers around us symbolize the obligations and duty to society constrains us. It implies that we are seeing under some duress from which want to be free, so the kind of uniform of the soldiers can give us some clues about the origin of this repression….


Sometimes when we dream we are foreseeing fire some kind of danger but in reality it manifests itself in a very different way. It is also interpreted as violent passions that seized us and if the fire is dreamed of in the form of fire, can speak of an intense desire to end past issues. There are also interpretations categorized it as a symbol of purification and instincts of destruction….


If we are dancing, or dance are seeing a desire to participate, many authors interpret that is the sign of our desire to establish new directions, or move some aspects of our lives that are stagnant. It may be the intuition of new possibilities in the immediate future….


Seeing us playing on a chessboard, either chess or checkers can be interpreted as the feeling of being immersed in a situation where, as in the game, in addition to our decisions, chance intervenes and actions of others. It indicates uncertainty, insecurity, but nonetheless for the correct interpretation will be very interesting to observe the sensations we have while we dream, and the person we face in the game….


Related dreams dresses, tell us about the image we are looking forward to offer to the outside or how we’re seeing within ourselves. If we are poorly clothed in relation to the making or the color of the suit, it is social maladjustment. Depending on the type of dress, we can analyze whether it is a lack of adaptation referring to work, the environment, age, etc. If the dress is dirty or broken, then it is the remorse we feel for an act that does not agree with our intimate moral code….

Lose weight, thinness

Seeing us lose weight in a dream is a warning that we must care for the health, as we round the disease. If we dream that we are very thin it is that the risk of disease is very close, and the thinner the higher we see the importance of it….


 Symbolizes the character and value. Seeing someone with a different front which has actually reflects its true character. If we dream of a high forehead is serious, intelligent person we can trust. If it is elusive it is a wicked person who will try to rob. If is covered with patches it is that try to betray shamefully….


…Suffer it, fortune and degrading feelings. Seeing a leper signal unfounded fears. 49 – leprosy – A lucky number sleep leprosy – 49…


 Seeing them indicates hopes will not be realized….

Chop up

 Damaged justified fears of seeing their financial resources….


 Indicates fear of seeing their ideas rejected….