
Anatomy related dreams may indicate that the disease will be cured….


Every altar usually symbolizes repentance, contrition, need to sacrifice, and it is assumed that this is the spirit that acts | therefore, the dreamed before an altar, with or without a priest present indicates a certain self-reproach that will serve to review the conduct itself to ease their conscience. Dreaming an altar, with or without a priest officiating, it is a warning to the effect that the conduct of the dreamer is not as good as it should, so it is committing serious errors. Dreamed of building an altar announces joys, successes and benefits in business, employment or social relations. Dreamed of destroying an altar portends failures, pains, diseases, etc. Altar dream that a partial or completely destroyed for any reason is observed, indicating that the dreamer has or will soon have reason to suffer sadness, nostalgia, memories, all motivated by something that was never to return. Dreaming an altar before which a marriage is performed indicates reasons for sadness with friendships that will affect the dreamer. In some cases usually indicates the death of an elderly person. A dream officiating before an altar indicates that difficult situations, whether in employment, business or home, and soon will go through moments of anguish will be presented priest….


Any dream of agony and death is very painful and annoying to the dreamer or, as it makes the imagination shake | however, in reality only rarely announces death, because usually refers to significant material losses depending on what is driving the dreamer, but always with a probable solution. Interestingly and often it refers to full health as sleep, that is, the elements it contains. This is because many of the dreams indicate precisely the opposite of what could be understood naturally. Dreamed in agony, he indicates that he is living with uncertainties and more or less imaginary fears, but they are almost always unwarranted. However, this usually announces itself or any loved one disease, but is not no care. This dream is common in people squeamish. Dreaming a woman in agony insinuates that is escaping from the hands of a dreamer or a good business heritage or important opportunity to improve employment….


Dreamed of putting on a shirt is a symbol that, because of their misconduct, is losing the affection and respect of others. Dream he lost his shirt is announcement setbacks in business and in the sentimental. Dreamed squeezing a shirt announces business difficulties that will end up in losses and debts. Dream his dirty shirt, stained or broken is the announcement of a close disease….


Dreamed of getting advice from someone indicates self-reproach Because it is not acting properly and honestly, and the risk of losing face before others run. Giving advice dreamed hints that will soon have difficulties with family or friends. Dreamed of asking advice is announcement that will succeed in what you are doing or planning. Dreamed refusing the advice of someone indicates risk of disease or failures. Seeking legal advice dreamed risk of falling into legal problems to be performing acts outside the law states….


To dream that a handful of hair turns gray and falls, it indicates trouble and even problems and diseases. To dream that will start to get gray hair, it indicates taste, joy, pleasure and even fortune for all of your future life. To dream that sees tangled, messy, uncombed hair, it indicates upcoming marriage difficulties or with family and friends. To dream that hair itself is envaneciendo indicates the death of someone close, whether relative or friend. To dream that her hair grows soft, supple and rich, announces significant success and happiness, but should not be interpreted in a strictly economic sense. Sonar that the hair is cut close to the scalp, it indicates excessive generosity towards a friendship that can end up with a bad result. Dream that someone cuts your hair, involves various problems and difficulties in the immediate future. Dreamed flowers as if they were his hair suggests problems and difficulties that disturbed his mind, but when they occur, will not seem as severe as they were considered. To dream that beautiful hair, well maintained and groomed, announces next improvement in their affairs is. Dreaming that your hair turns white in one night, although his face is still young, he announces upcoming calamities, pains and various sufferings. When a woman dreams that indicates serious risk of losing the loved mainly due to a sudden illness, which may well have originated indiscretions of the woman herself. If you are a young student who looks gray or brown hair, either their own or another head, indicating hesitation to choose a career or trade. When a woman dreams which compares a white hair (graying) with black hair taking his head, he insinuates that will be torn between two offers of probable fortune and eventually take the option that suits you less, indicating losses. which has difficulty combing, she suggests that for their bad manners (disdain, arrogance or misconduct) may lose the friendship and favors a man of good social and economic position. which he is dropping his hair and is balding, it announces to be prepared, because its future portends poverty and hardship. which your hair turns white and shaped like flowers, it indicates various problems that affect, but it will be less difficult to resolve if she faces energy, patience and intelligence. which he has a beautiful hair and is combing, states that nature is careless in their personal affairs, which puts her at risk for losses due to negligence and distraction. – (If young woman) who sees several women with gray hair, announces the presence of rivals in interests and loves. When a man dreams which the bride has red hair, it indicates infidelity and that will be discovered by the woman he loves. Red hair usually indicates movement, changes, etc. which she caresses the hair of a woman | He insinuates that enjoy the affection and trust of an important woman in your life even if it produces social criticism. which sees a woman with golden blond hair suggests the likelihood to engage in an affair with the wife of a friend, which involves various dangers. He has curly hair which indicates that disappoint people who visit his home, and every woman to trust him. This same dream indicates that a woman is exposed to seduction. which it is covered with hair preaches indulgence in vices to end away from society and all decent attitude. This same dream in a woman (or she discover their own long hair) indicates desire for independence to satisfy their impulses away from the rules of morality. which is covered with hair she suggests that due to an excess of generosity end up poor, both in material goods and health, which will produce distressing concerns….


Hugs dream usually indicates hypocrisy, deceit, falsehood, especially if the dreamer who gets a hug. Dreamed of embracing the spouse it indicates that there will be discussions and difficulties misunderstandings and perhaps suspicion. When the hug is with an elderly person, someone insinuates disease in the family. Hugs between lovers dream almost always indicates dissension, strife and even break in relations. Dreamed of embracing a foreign person he implies the upcoming visit of someone undesirable. Dreamed of hugging someone suggests that there will be disappointments in love or very close friends. When a woman dreams embracing an unknown man suggests a hidden desire to have any unlawful conduct. A married woman who dreams lovingly embracing a man who is not her husband, is a warning that is putting at risk and questioned his honor. Hugs in dreams, whether given as if received, usually foreshadow the departure of a beloved family member or friend. Sometimes these hugs are a warning that not all the affection that are received are sincere. It’s better just to trust those people and especially friends who have really given samples that can be trusted….

Lying is

This dream usually have different meanings depending on who you dream lying down. To dream that lies with a person of the opposite sex can mean an obstacle to their designs. If sleep is sleeping with another person of the same sex may indicate contrariness. If you lie down with whom the dream is an ugly man indicates disease, if on the other hand is a handsome indicates disappointment. Go to bed with an ugly woman it means death. With a beautiful woman indicates betrayal. Lying down with your spouse absent portends bad news. If his consort indicates rejoicing. Sleep with one’s mother indicates security business. Sex with own daughter means scandal. If your sister can indicate a close trip. Sex with a prostitute portends permanent fortune….


Pumpkins dream bodes ill since announced several diseases especially when the dreamer is peasant or farmer. If the pumpkin appears dry or rotten it indicates poor harvest. For business people in the city it indicates losses. When pumpkins appear green or immature indicates envy of competitors or rivals in business. Dreaming sweet pumpkin announces an improvement in its activities….


Dreamed of wandering in a street announces any bad luck in the immediate future, either by having a disease or not achieve what you want. Dreaming encountered when walking down the street, he emphasizes what has been said….

Cold sore

Dreamed with fever indicates that you are too worried, perhaps unnecessarily, for some easy solution. Dream that one of the family has a fever suggests some benign disease that will soon be presented in a relative or friend….


Anniversary dreams are often indicators of possible complaints or domestic squabbles. They could also be a harbinger of disease….


Dream a crown of king or queen suggests the desire to change his life, especially if you have bad habits or bad friends, or annoying and difficult to eradicate chronic diseases. Dreamed with a king or crown of flowers on her head is a symbol of vanity. When a wreath for the dead, then it indicates illness or loss of values. Dreamed of putting a crown of any kind to another person indicates self humiliation or inferiority complex. Dreamed speaking as king or queen having put his crown on the head indicates that there are accented desire to soar in politics, or at least the desire to enter into social relationships very high level. Dreamed as a spectator during a coronation, especially in the case of king or queen, he indicates that you want to relate to high society personalities. When a woman dreams as a participant in a coronation, though not kings, but simply on a holiday, indicates that soon will be favored in some way by the intervention of personalities in major events | however, if during the coronation occur unpleasant facts, that the same will happen to the dreamer in the near future….


Unripe peaches dreamed cutting is a symptom of decay, various pains and sorrows, particularly memories of old times and and missing persons. Green dream that peaches are cut and eat them hints illness in the family and other problems. To dream that the tree itself eats one of ripe and juicy peaches indicates joy of living, reasonable profits in business or work that will result in peace, harmony and home health. To dream that only peaches are on the tree announces diseases of relatives or discomfort by having to handle business matters or unpleasant prevent you enjoy rides and amusements. When peaches are in the tree with a lot of foliage indicates that, with effort, you will achieve your goals. Dreaming peaches in the beginning of its growth in the tree indicates that the achievement of its objectives is still very distant and mediate even work, problems and sadness. Dreamed of eating unripe peaches indicates that penalties approaching from ahead of events. Others dream of eating peaches indicates that some family members or friends suffer setbacks and hardships. Dreaming a person known eating peaches that are not yet mature hints that person is acting wrongly and wasting their time in trying to achieve forcedly. Dream peach or apricot trees with their beautiful and mature fruit is a good sign, although there will be some problems indicates that before reaching the desired success. Dreamed tasty and ripe peaches contend indicates that the success you want is very close….


Dreaming digestive organs (gut, etc.) means that threaten the dreamer various problems, including health. Dreaming the digestive system itself warns impending health problems and some other, so you should see your doctor as soon as possible. To dream that when approaching something hot intestines become inflamed and make you feel very bad insinuates that already emerged a disease in your body. Intoxicated dreamed indicates that in everyday life is not acting properly, which will entail various disorders, including their health….


Dreamed up a car indicates that a trip already has in mind will happen soon, but in different conditions as had been thought. Dreamed of a car down insinuates that what started out well is likely to end badly if not timely monitors the details. Dreamed of driving a car in a place or street where many people indicates success, but also envies trying to thwart what has been achieved. Dreamed of driving a car on a road where high mountains are seen in front indicates a desire to climb the ladder to reach important hierarchies, it is possible to do through hard work, perseverance and effort. The mountains are a symbol of effort. Many dream of moving cars suggests that in the immediate future will be made short trips and quickly issues that disturb the tranquility will be handled. Dreamed worried about losing their own car, but then found, indicates that these setbacks will soon. Odds and time that occur in the dream to find and retrieve the car are the same as mediate to solve their problems. Dreaming a new luxury car hints that longs to have one, though not luxurious. Also, they are coming very dear visitors, or will have to make a short trip to visit someone simply for affection and pleasure. Dreamed of driving a luxury car, especially if it is black, it insinuates disease careless health. This is actually a dream warning to avoid greater evils. Dreamed of driving a car simply it indicates that is restless (a) notwithstanding be living in nice condition. Also announced that soon there will be changes in matters being handled, in which case you should be very careful with their conduct and character, as any mistakes will bring dire consequences. Dreamed of driving a car accompanied by someone and produces an accident, he suggests that its affairs are going well and the risk of ending abruptly and run with negative results. Dreamed saved from being run over (a) by a car or hints that the dreamer must move away from situations or dubious business, light loves and rivalries of all kinds | in short, it is a warning to withdraw from anything that is not clear in the mind of the dreamer. Dreamed seeking or trying to get a luxury car indicates vaulting ambitions that could not be satisfied with the simple effort of work. I dreamed of traveling in an old and dilapidated car of any kind, it is an omen of bad luck in the immediate future (bad business, setbacks, illnesses, etc.)….


It contemplates a dream that simply suggests building high ambitions, but not always fulfilled the commitments, which would entail various problems. Dream a building in detail noting that it is beautiful, he hints that he is acting well in relation to what you are doing. Dream of an old building in the destruction process itself implies carelessness, negligence in their affairs | therefore, it is best to check whether it is aware of its debts and commitments. To dream that has an elegant house, like a real building, it indicates that soon there will be significant favorable changes in its business that may force him to change his home. Dream big and stately buildings surrounded by green and flowery gardens indicates a long and pleasant life, with fun and travel. Dreamed of building a building or a house implies changes in the affairs themselves. If it is a building, the changes are important, and if a house be small. Dream many houses of any size, old and destroyed, it indicates deterioration of one’s health and risk for a disease that somehow affect your whole family. It is also an indication that there will be material losses of importance….


Dreamed in a bank and that no employees who attend the windows is a sign that own the business or affairs are bad. Dream a closed bank is a symbol of disease, particularly nervous also indicates carelessness or lack of protection of health and in some cases loss of money or trouble to get it. simply dreamed as a spectator in a bank is a recommendation to turn businesses precautions are made, also it indicates that there is a complete nervous or health control. Dreamed in a bank when employees are delivering gold coins is a symbol of neglect | if on the contrary, they are getting, announced successes in business. Dreamed in a bank and are visible large amounts of silver coins indicates that success in social and economic development is ensured in the immediate future….


Dreamed of making any arrangements with one or more known enemies hinted that soon the dreamer will face various problems, including diseases. Instead, dreamed rejecting those enemies suggests that serious problems will not be resolved easily and when they arise. Dreamed maligned (a) it indicates that by some adversaries are seeking the dreamer suffers setbacks and failures in employment, business, etc. However, if in the dream dominates these enemies, then you can expect to have complete success in the immediate future. Enmity or rivalry dreamed someone, though not identify the person, suggests that there will be problems and uncomfortable situations due to improper handling of their affairs….


Dreamed listening to music bandoneon, accordion or organ, suggests that soon enjoy the amusements that are wanting, if the music comes from far away, then it indicates that instead of fun and perhaps will sadnesses diseases in the immediate future….


Auto criticizing warns dreamed being taken drawbacks harmful habits or friends, intervening in risky issues or planning or doing something wrong, either in relation to family, friends or business. This dream indicates that you should rectify the way. Self-criticism in dreams is very common and occurs in all of one or another way, as a kind of self-defense or warning and prevention of major diseases….


Stun dreams usually signal the next curing a disease….


Dream symbolizes dice gambling, speculation, trade aboveboard. This dream usually announce diseases mainly due to a disorderly and superficial life. A young to dream her lover dicing, it is a warning that is not a man to be trusted….


Dream firearms (the bigger and powerful worst is indicated) alteration of the nervous system suggests that the dreamer fears that a new war or an attack occurs personally. This dream is most common in young men who do not wish to participate in any war. Dreaming commonly used small arms indicates fear of being assaulted or attacked his enemies by surprise. When a woman dreams weapons, particularly firearms, he suggests that somehow it is relating to military. Weapons in general, and particularly the fire, indicate violence, brawls, quarrels, plots, unfair competition in the case of trade, envy, jealousy and betrayal. Dreamed wounded by a knife indicates that someone is betraying the trust of the dreamer. If firearm, the case can be severe and announce that someone close will die. Dreamed injuring someone with a gun warns that soon have problems of various kinds, including legal or judicial. Dreamed wounded by a firearm suggests that discomfort caused by rash, unpleasant or acting in bad faith, or people, that diseases that are already in the body, though not yet manifest will soon suffer will suffer. Dreamed owner of a gun, whatever, insinuates that has a bad temper, which can lead to complicated situations. Dreamed of shooting a firearm suggests that the conduct of (the) dreamer is leading to dangerous situations in many ways. Weapons dream is always negative….


If the scratch is made by a cat, is announcement of diseases and afflictions for those who dream that receives them. If the scratches came from a woman, it is advisable perseverance and predict gifts to the recipient. If these are produced by a child, presage, if the dreamer man, no commitment, will have much trouble with women….


Dream streams of clear water it means that a lucrative and honorable employment will be captured | if the stream water is cloudy, it means setbacks for the envious. If it is a depleted stream is a harbinger of misfortune and hardships. Dreaming of a running stream indicates the cure of a disease. If the water is dirty and polluted stream indicates that dangerous evils approach….


Rice dream bodes success in business, love and friendship. Precisely because of its good indicated is used at weddings to wish happiness to the parties. Eating rice symbolizes prosperity dreamed for a long time. Dream mixed with any other impurity indica rice disease, anger, breaking relations. A young woman is cooking rice dream marriage announcement, quiet and economically affluent home….


If the dream is the dreamer who choked on food, it means that suffer a disease caused by the abuse of pleasures….


Dreamed in a coffin always advised revise own behavior, as the coffin announces various losses, including the death of someone close. This symbol is especially important if the dreamer is praying beside the coffin. Dream a coffin covered with flowers, especially if they are white, inside an illuminated temple, suggests that soon there will be a wedding in the family, but that marriage will fail. Dreamed lying inside a coffin, without details, it indicates long life for the dreamer. Dream of a coffin moving by itself suggests a serious illness in the family or marriage if he is married dreamer. In case you are to marry, sleep can announce impediments for the wedding. Dreamed of using a coffin as a seat inside the carriage that transported him to the cemetery announces major disorders and disease a relative or friend. Watching dreamed up a coffin to a hearse is announcement of serious problems at home, as well as frequent brawls in marriage or dating….


Dreamed with unshaven indicates that their affairs successfully walk. Dreamed with well-groomed beard and that he combs or stroke, is a clear sign of male vanity that annoys other producing negative effects | but if it is cutting or shaving, it is warning that the dreamer feels hurt, wounded in his vanity. Dreaming someone with a beautiful blonde and very long beard in the manner of the prophets, it suggests that the dreamer is not acting properly and must seek and accept advice. To dream that someone is shaving suggests that the health of someone close to deteriorate. If sleep is a woman being shaved indicates another person mourning disease and even possible, if the woman is pregnant, she suggests that the unborn child is male. Dreaming a person known black or red beard announces setbacks, if it appears white indicates disappointments, particularly amorous, if the beard is graying she suggests brawls. Dreaming known someone with a vulgar and unkempt beard indicates that should not have dealings with that person and avoid business because they can not get along because that person will always try to impose their will and their personal interest. Dreamed that someone with a beard and pulls it insinuates that are running serious risks with likely material losses. A young, unwed you dream admiring a man’s beard suggests that she has the desire to get married soon, but for the hastiness risk an unfortunate marriage….