
Unripe peaches dreamed cutting is a symptom of decay, various pains and sorrows, particularly memories of old times and and missing persons. Green dream that peaches are cut and eat them hints illness in the family and other problems. To dream that the tree itself eats one of ripe and juicy peaches indicates joy of living, reasonable profits in business or work that will result in peace, harmony and home health. To dream that only peaches are on the tree announces diseases of relatives or discomfort by having to handle business matters or unpleasant prevent you enjoy rides and amusements. When peaches are in the tree with a lot of foliage indicates that, with effort, you will achieve your goals. Dreaming peaches in the beginning of its growth in the tree indicates that the achievement of its objectives is still very distant and mediate even work, problems and sadness. Dreamed of eating unripe peaches indicates that penalties approaching from ahead of events. Others dream of eating peaches indicates that some family members or friends suffer setbacks and hardships. Dreaming a person known eating peaches that are not yet mature hints that person is acting wrongly and wasting their time in trying to achieve forcedly. Dream peach or apricot trees with their beautiful and mature fruit is a good sign, although there will be some problems indicates that before reaching the desired success. Dreamed tasty and ripe peaches contend indicates that the success you want is very close….


Dreamed of attending the funeral and burial of a very dear person or a family member suggests that all is well in the family and that soon there will be a wedding. In some cases this dream reveals the deep desire of the dreamer of someone dying. If it rains indicates tears during the funeral, in which case it is expected to happen something bad, such as illness, bad business or an unfortunate accident. Dreaming an epitaph suggests that bad news will be received soon, or at least very unpleasant. Dreamed alone in front of a tomb epitaph reading the announcement is very close disease. Dreamed of writing an epitaph indicates loss of a friend that he has great esteem. Dreaming burial oneself sometimes implies that in real life is giving much self-gratification, self tolerance, self-pity, without trying to correct their mistakes, but hide them. This dream is usually a warning that they are making serious mistakes that will eventually bring problems including legal type. If sleep time is taken from the grave and the coffin, he suggests that serious penalties will suffer, but ultimately all will be well and recover its prestige dreamer and tranquility. Dreamed of witnessing a funeral is unfortunate announcement marriage or disease in the dreamer. Dream the funeral of an unknown person close announces concerns. If the funeral is for a child, or parent, usually it indicates serious problems of various kinds that affect the whole family, without involving death. Black dress dreamed of attending a funeral of a relative insinuates widowhood or at least conditions of the nervous system, reason why fear death….


Dream a stunning fire or fire of something itself indicates risk of loss, and worse if the accident victims but if there are none and the dreamer is seen only as a spectator, then it indicates that the enemies or competitors are losing their chance to beat him . Dream a nice or bright fire, Smokeless ie, insinuates that is at peace with itself, which will give ample opportunities for success in life. Handling fire without burning dreamed announces major successes. Dream a place where there was fire it indicates grudges, revenge, resentment toward other people and soñante them to the dreamer. Dream a major fire at a time when it is preparing a trip, it indicates that the trip will be successful and enjoyable. For a person linked to intellectual milieu honors and indicates future success. Dream a nice fire announces the visit of sincere friendships or simple but pleasant surprises. Dream that one’s home is on fire indicates love. A business person who dreams that her business is on fire, but without the dreamer suffers burns, indicates intense activity and good profits in business or employment. If the dreamer is fighting the fire with water and other means insinuates that will pass concerns, frustrations and hard work before reaching the victory. Dreaming the ruins of a building owned by the dreamer after a fire announced various problems and bad luck, despite the apparent prosperity in which we live. This is a warning dream. Fire Dreaming is good omen in most cases, depending on your indicated how dreams. If you see the dream without burning, it is a good symbol, it indicates success in life, but if it burns is warning of failures and problems….


Dreaming that means guilt or shame punished for your actions. You must learn to say sorry. To dream that punishes a person means hidden resentment towards that person. On the other hand it may represent aspects of your own personality that you fear….


Dream that you are shaking someone, it means connection to that person. You are trying to get recognition or attention. Furthermore, it should incorporate certain aspects of that person himself. Sleep can also mean the need to develop deeper ties and closer friendship…


Dream elegance means that you are a self-centered person. The dream may be a warning that you have to learn to think a little about others and be a generous person, thus earn more….


 If we accept someone we will be protected and supported in our activities by the same person. If we deny a person in a dream it indicates the proximity of a threat of betrayal….


 -A A person of the opposite sex unless it portends unfaithfulness is our partner, in which case announces good fortune. If it is a dear person announces his departure. If we kiss someone of the same sex without affection we will benefit from it. If we do the same but with affection she will be benefiting from us. -Besar Land portends penalties. -A Dead, next inheritance….


 The chimp reflects our instinctive personality and is a call for us to develop our personality to a higher level….

Belt, girdle

 It symbolizes our moral dependency on another person and the protection of our body. -Desatar The belt of a person of the opposite sex to get her favors portends. If the two people are the same sex or do not deliver the belt indicates that anyone renounce loyalty or dependence. If we break the belt or tear us portends a loss of authority….


 If a sick person dreams it announces a relapse in his illness. If it’s a healthy person indicates economic hardship….


Traditionally the forehead symbolizes the character and personality, so that the form present in our dream, is our front or another person sleep remarque, symbolizes the qualities of courage or tenacity. Other authors consider that if a very high forehead appears, symbolizing that person deserves our confidence, but if it is a narrow or sloping forehead, we must be wary….


 -Acostado Only presages a period of uncertainty. -Acostados Outdoors is only a temporary discomfort. With a person of the same sex we feel torment by what others say. With a person of another sex it indicates that our problems are over….


What we write in dreams, also speaks of our personality, as in waking life. A good penmanship means good personal stage, but if it is bent or full of inaccuracies, indicates personal disorders….


Dreaming arrival of an absent person and longing for the past indicates joy arrival of an unexpected person or the birth of a child….


Dream shot a gun means you have ambition and generally know what your life goals. your plans to achieve them are successful. If in your dream you shoot against another person represents your aggression or anger toward that person. To dream that someone shoots you can mean that in real life is experiencing a situation of confrontation and perhaps feel a victim of this situation….


Dreaming involved in a fight represents your concerns and your inner conflicts. It is possible that some of this hidden inside for you. Others dream fight suggests that feels no responsibility for your problems. Dreaming that you fight a person indicates some hard feelings and conflicts with this person. You have difficulty talking to her and solve problems….


When in dreams we are taking a look at a balcony, it means that our merits be recognized and rewarded. If we look with another person, and depending on whether we are right or wrong with this company, it can be interpreted as fear or joy that comes to light a part of ourselves that hitherto was not known. Other authors believe that symbolizes the fear of rumors or slander our behavior in private life, in the event that the person who accompanies us on the balcony is of the opposite sex….


It means we are hiding our personality and depend on the type of coat, the interpretation to be given to sleep. We will also consider if in sleep we are protected under the shelter of the cold, rain, etc. | and also if the coat gives us a sense of weight or comfort. In any case, this dream will be telling us about some aspect of our personality that has to do with how to show others….


…Fight one, you have dealings with an important person; if it comes out triumphant triumph over his enemies. See a lion, love affairs with a very dominant person. Fear, major obstacles and difficult problems to overcome. In captivity, announces repression of feelings, hidden passions. Ride one, triumphs and successes. Cannibalize one danger of disease. 79 – leon – A lucky number sleep leon – 79…


There are people who because of their religious concepts rooted in Christ think both see and hear to believe both awake and in dreams. Such exaggeration naturally makes the symbol loses its true value | however, it seems that indicated in many of the dreams is simply that the dreamer has enormous anguish and yearning for peace, because it is very uncomfortable in the environment they live in, why you want a definite shift towards a quiet, comfortable and in harmony with people of their sympathy life. Obviously, in other cases the symbol can be different, but always in the sense of seeking peace | for example, people who dream unbelievers to Christ, are obviously suffering distress. In any case and for everyone, the dream Christ becomes much a prayer with which it is asking for help….


Blind dreamed indicates that there will soon be changes in your life, usually towards poverty, which appears in the subconscious desperation not find a way out of their problems. To dream that someone is blind indicates that someone is asking you to help mentally….


Dreamed someone giving alms to many people indicates vanity, and in some cases pride in what has been achieved and exhibitionism for it. Denying dreamed alms to whoever is asking hints that soon will ask a favor that the dreamer has been denying. Dreamed of giving alms to almshouses hints that are at risk of losing their possessions as a result of jealousies and ambitions of its competitors. In this case it is not necessarily about material values, since it may be impaired health, prestige, etc. Dreamed receiving alms he warns that bad times are going and soon everything will improve. Young lovers who dream of giving alms, suggests that soon suffer some disappointment at the presence of rivals in love….


To dream that says “no” suggests that this stopped some situations that believe though you go against the majority. You put as the first and makes decisions without asking others….


See a rosary in a dream it symbolizes comfort, solace and satisfaction. It is also connected with the act of giving and asking….


Dreamed of getting advice from someone indicates self-reproach Because it is not acting properly and honestly, and the risk of losing face before others run. Giving advice dreamed hints that will soon have difficulties with family or friends. Dreamed of asking advice is announcement that will succeed in what you are doing or planning. Dreamed refusing the advice of someone indicates risk of disease or failures. Seeking legal advice dreamed risk of falling into legal problems to be performing acts outside the law states….


Dreamed of writing on a blackboard suggests that its business and affairs go wrong, with serious risks of failures and losses. just dreaming a blackboard suggests that problems will arise soon not calculated or planned. To dream that someone is writing on a blackboard suggests that a family member or close friend is in poor health and is asking for help….


Dreamed of asking for favors hints that soon prevail in matters being handled. Dreamed of doing favors for someone announces ingratitude and losses for the dreamer….


Dream of an executioner is not a good omen and usually means the abandonment by friends. It can also mean danger, loss of money and disease. If during sleep struggle with the executioner and you miss means the triumph over adversity is possible if you put effort into it….

Dress up

Dressing dreamed difficulties may mean that a person or some unavoidable reason you are getting in the way, preventing him from enjoying the fun or relaxation you are looking for. It is essential that the impediment is someone bad faith | it may simply be beyond the control of the relevant circumstances. When you dream you as are to be wearing is late to start a trip, it can mean neglect or carelessness of others you will cause various disorders and discomfort, which can also mean that should help himself to attend to their own affairs. Dreamed of wearing silk clothes suggests that there are too many ambitions money, power, business. It also reveals vanity and pride. If silk clothing is dirty or stained, it means disappointment, sadness and failures. Silkworms dream may mean that get very advantageous work or business | but if the worm turns up dead, then it is quite the opposite….