
An iguana or lizard dream indicates that is being, at least until now, a miserable life not so much economically, but mainly on the mental, moral and social | ie very close to the vulgar and dirty. The lizard or iguana is not a symbol of intelligence, but rather, clumsiness and vegetative existence. In reality both the lizard and iguana represent the involution of giant dinosaurs of old, and that it indicates in dreams, that is, that the subconscious is warning the dreamer that his mental attitude is not what is expected of a being man this time. A lizard or iguana dream that climbs a wall or a tree announces that, although at a slow pace, the dreamer finally achieve success in your goals. Dreamed of killing a lizard or iguana hints that it is fighting the bad reputation it has created dreamer. It also indicates that it is trying not to lose the fortune that has or is believed to have no fear or be losing friendships or love. When a woman dreams lizards or iguanas that are clawing clothing is a warning that you are approaching a bad run of sorrows, disappointments, intrigues, etc., as well as the illness of a loved, family or friend. When man who dreams, suggests that his enemies are seeking ways to harm. Lizards or iguanas still dream indicates that is taking an inconsequential miserable, vulgar and dirty life. This is a sign of little or no intellect, mental dullness, and a warning to the dreamer change of attitude….


 If we are with amputated hands it is that our mental situation prevent us from doing anything right. If what we see is a leg amputee is that it is very difficult ” walk as God commands. ”…


Strong legs indicate problem solving, happiness and health. or broken legs amputated mean death or a relative or a person close disease. weak legs are a sign of distress, sorrow and hardship. Presage swollen legs luck in gambling, I dinesro unexpected or wealth. 21 – legs – A lucky number sleep legs – 21…


Dream spots on hands or clothing is warning that arise in family quarrels, anger and misunderstanding for inconsequential reasons. Dreaming others with stained hands indicates that receive accusations and unjustified insults. Washing hands dreamed provides that the dreamer wishes to join cheerful and festive groups, but does not know how. When a woman dreams of admiring his hands insinuates that want to attract the attention of a man. When a woman dreams of admiring the hands of others envy and also indicates that suffer from jealousy of a man. When a woman dreams a man’s hands pressed he suggests that risk of committing wrongdoing or illegal. A woman who dreams that other people kiss his hands, is a warning that will fall victim to intrigues against his good reputation. When a woman dreams of driving fire without burning your hands, suggests that achieved an important position in the environment in which it operates. Dreamed with his hands tied suggests the impossibility to achieve what you want | but if the dream manages to untie it indicates that efforts will win. Dreaming beautiful hands insinuates that have social successes, which foresees an improvement in matters being handled. Dream even worse ugly and deformed hands, hints coming failures that can lead to ruin. Dreaming bloodied hands a bad dream that expected sadness, diseases, etc. Dreamed with a bad hand or injury he implies that someone will take advantage of the work and effort of the dreamer. Dreaming an amputated hand suggests that a lonely life because of the self and those around him will be misunderstanding. To dream that burns hands indicates that it is about valuing their ambitions of wealth, fame or power. To dream that your hands are hairy indicates that it is not suitable for encumbrarse in your job or business | It is a complex interiority. Dreamed with very long hands indicates that soon achieve at least part of what you crave. Dreaming hands dwarfed indicates otherwise. Dreamed with dirty hands indicates envy and selfishness….