
See steam in a dream denotes your emotional state regarding a situation. It may also indicate that it is headstrong and postpones the resolution of some issues, or are angry at someone or something….


To dream that you are sick indicates concern for our health and reveals emotional problems. If the patient is our father there is the possibility of getting sick in the head. If the mother’s womb. A son heart. A brother, arms or legs….


Dreaming of shoes is a clear harbinger of trouble. Remove them, usually indicative of brawls and violence. On the contrary, if in the dream, the dreamer puts, it is usually a sign of amenities and good life. Dream shoes also warns of the risk of acquiring dangerous compromises, for example, a relationship with little accounting people. A woman who dreams that her shoes or sneakers are very attractive and admired by others, is warning her coquetry, which if not controlled will cause headaches and disrepute….


See in dreams presages a volcano that any situation, good or bad, that was brewing for some time will explode. It is quite possible that particularly violent events that are contrary to our economic interests avecinen. It is also a warning that the emotional aspect we will be subjected by the passions, which will not let us see coolly what lies ahead. If during sleep the volcano goes off, we go gradually turning towards a more peaceful climate and businesses can expect times of peace and stability….


The belly represents motherhood and tenderness. When we see our healthy and thick in dreams, it indicates that we have been able to learn from past situations and others for our own benefit. Often also it means very prosperous times ahead. If the weak and sick belly appears in dreams it is harbinger of despair and misery….


A young woman who dreams who admire her new shoes, be careful with new friends, especially men, when approached with unusual familiarity, as they can be hypocritical sycophants. Dream shoes without any other detail means changes in the immediate future. If the shoes are new, it suggests that soon there will be some gains. If there are old and broken, it means poverty. If you are working on shoes, he suggests that someone is betraying the dreamer. Shining shoes dreamed own upcoming suggests improvement in the affairs, business, love, etc., all of which will give you satisfaction. Dreamed with broken, dirty and old shoes can mean that the dreamer makes enmities easily because of its character and caustic criticism. Dreamed shoes that squeeze may mean that there will soon be annoying situations with friends and family, for example, that public ridicule by scathing and offensive criticism. Dreamed with shoes tied or glued to each other various lawsuits and losses it means that the same may be material or health. To dream that your shoes or lost someone stole indicates losses of various kinds with little chance of recovery. If sleep has other spare shoes, it may mean that losses will not be final and will be replenished in business, perhaps with profit. Dreamed of wearing shoes of the opposite sex may mean that the name and personality of the dreamer are being slandered and discredited. To dream that someone else is using your shoes warns that there is (a) rival in love. Dreamed of using new shoes is success announcement and improvement in matters being handled, employment or business. Shoes dream warns of the risk of acquiring dangerous compromises, for example, a relationship with little accounting people. A woman who dreams that her shoes or sneakers are very attractive and admired by others, is warning her coquetry, which if not controlled will cause headaches and disrepute….


It clogs dream is not a good omen, it is almost always an indication that the situation ahead is not enviable at all. It is very likely that many sacrifices imposed before finding a suitable stability for business. Usually a clear indication of concerns about the fate, poverty and misery….


Night dreaming occurs and indicates some major obstacles in achieving your goals setbacks. There are some tough issues in your life you are doing and that are not clear. Editions should put aside to clear them in your head. Alternatively night is synonymous with death, rebirth and new beginnings….


Dreaming of a hole or simply stumbles upon an opening means that, despite the problems and difficulties at the time, should be filled with hope and faith, they will help you get ahead….


Most authors agree that angels dream can be interpreted as the possibilities that lie ahead, whether referring to projects, businesses, etc … or our spiritual development. It is important to distinguish whether the celestial beings that appear in the dream are sad or happy because this nuance indicate the positive or negative process initiated character….