
Frivolous people dream indicates that you already have, no matter how important it is, does not satisfy you and refuses to look for something different, but not worth that much. A woman who dreams frivolity other women suggests that she is wasting his time on trifles and useless occupations. When the dreamer is a young, unwed, he indicates that it is difficult to marry, but if married, then it indicates that you are at risk of losing her husband….


Dreamed of stylists she suggests visiting soon to be disturbed (a) by indiscretions concerning the opposite sex. When a woman dreams that her hair paint announces that happen distresses for gossip in the social environment to which it belongs. If in the dream you manage hair and strikingly exotic suggests that the dreamer is inclined to frivolity and uses dishonest means to make others obey his whims. Dreamed hands covered with hair, like a monkey, it may mean that you are slandering innocent people, which will win enemies. Losing hair blowing announces the risk of serious damages, losses and failures….


Dream demon first is not pleasant and secondly not announce anything good | this indicates that what you have in mind the dreamer is not good. Dreamed of fighting and killing the devil suggests that attempts to do something impossible will produce disorders and loss. Dream about the devil is smiling and friendly warning that engage in dishonest and dangerous affairs or business. If the devil is presented rich and powerful, is poverty announcement | if presented as a musician, is ad vice and degeneration. Dreamed front of a ghost image of devil insinuates that is taking an abnormal life, such immoral time. A woman who dreams this indicates that he is losing the appreciation of their friends for their bad reputation. It also indicates insidious gossip….


Dreamed betting money is warning that must be cautious in their dealings or business with strangers. also announces that opponents seek the opportunity to harm the dreamer. The same indicates the betting in casinos dreamed or simple table games: a warning against carelessness and waste. Dreamed betting money in any way suggests that in everyday life comes without reasoning, adventure and dishonestly, which will lead to problems the dreamer. Dreamed losing bets announces setbacks in matters being handled, but if it appears winning, then it indicates the win….


Dreamed in an alley indicates that any affairs, business, etc., have stagnated, marching not as planned, which means that require further attention. Dreamed in an alley with plenty of trash and dirt he warns that if not properly serves its affairs, will soon have legal problems. Dreamed in a clean and lit alley indicates that the current problems will soon pass away, leaving him in a satisfactory condition. This dream is hope. Dreamed in an alley and not found although you can flight departure indicates his anguish and incomprehension at what is living, and the desire to escape from their problems. When a woman dreams of an alley, and worse if it happens at dusk, it indicates that it is losing prestige among friends and be the victim of slander and defamation. Every dream related to an alley, and the more narrow, dirty and dark appears in the dream, the greater the warning from various dangers. This dream usually refers to unmet sexual needs that lead to dangerous situations….


Dreamed of putting on a shirt is a symbol that, because of their misconduct, is losing the affection and respect of others. Dream he lost his shirt is announcement setbacks in business and in the sentimental. Dreamed squeezing a shirt announces business difficulties that will end up in losses and debts. Dream his dirty shirt, stained or broken is the announcement of a close disease….


Dreamed of getting advice from someone indicates self-reproach Because it is not acting properly and honestly, and the risk of losing face before others run. Giving advice dreamed hints that will soon have difficulties with family or friends. Dreamed of asking advice is announcement that will succeed in what you are doing or planning. Dreamed refusing the advice of someone indicates risk of disease or failures. Seeking legal advice dreamed risk of falling into legal problems to be performing acts outside the law states….


To dream that a handful of hair turns gray and falls, it indicates trouble and even problems and diseases. To dream that will start to get gray hair, it indicates taste, joy, pleasure and even fortune for all of your future life. To dream that sees tangled, messy, uncombed hair, it indicates upcoming marriage difficulties or with family and friends. To dream that hair itself is envaneciendo indicates the death of someone close, whether relative or friend. To dream that her hair grows soft, supple and rich, announces significant success and happiness, but should not be interpreted in a strictly economic sense. Sonar that the hair is cut close to the scalp, it indicates excessive generosity towards a friendship that can end up with a bad result. Dream that someone cuts your hair, involves various problems and difficulties in the immediate future. Dreamed flowers as if they were his hair suggests problems and difficulties that disturbed his mind, but when they occur, will not seem as severe as they were considered. To dream that beautiful hair, well maintained and groomed, announces next improvement in their affairs is. Dreaming that your hair turns white in one night, although his face is still young, he announces upcoming calamities, pains and various sufferings. When a woman dreams that indicates serious risk of losing the loved mainly due to a sudden illness, which may well have originated indiscretions of the woman herself. If you are a young student who looks gray or brown hair, either their own or another head, indicating hesitation to choose a career or trade. When a woman dreams which compares a white hair (graying) with black hair taking his head, he insinuates that will be torn between two offers of probable fortune and eventually take the option that suits you less, indicating losses. which has difficulty combing, she suggests that for their bad manners (disdain, arrogance or misconduct) may lose the friendship and favors a man of good social and economic position. which he is dropping his hair and is balding, it announces to be prepared, because its future portends poverty and hardship. which your hair turns white and shaped like flowers, it indicates various problems that affect, but it will be less difficult to resolve if she faces energy, patience and intelligence. which he has a beautiful hair and is combing, states that nature is careless in their personal affairs, which puts her at risk for losses due to negligence and distraction. – (If young woman) who sees several women with gray hair, announces the presence of rivals in interests and loves. When a man dreams which the bride has red hair, it indicates infidelity and that will be discovered by the woman he loves. Red hair usually indicates movement, changes, etc. which she caresses the hair of a woman | He insinuates that enjoy the affection and trust of an important woman in your life even if it produces social criticism. which sees a woman with golden blond hair suggests the likelihood to engage in an affair with the wife of a friend, which involves various dangers. He has curly hair which indicates that disappoint people who visit his home, and every woman to trust him. This same dream indicates that a woman is exposed to seduction. which it is covered with hair preaches indulgence in vices to end away from society and all decent attitude. This same dream in a woman (or she discover their own long hair) indicates desire for independence to satisfy their impulses away from the rules of morality. which is covered with hair she suggests that due to an excess of generosity end up poor, both in material goods and health, which will produce distressing concerns….


Dreaming several horses trotting calmly indicates hopes of reaching the desires that have not materialized. It also tends to indicate that highly valued friendships are suffering some pain, for example by failures in business or disease. Dreaming one or more horses in passive attitude bodes well, as insinuated quiet days, no worries. Dream a quiet and grazing white horse is a symbol of strength to succeed and health to enjoy life, which speaks of a good future. If riding on that white horse indicates broad prosperity and important friendships. Dream a black horse suggests bad temper and brutal mistreatment and even to respectable people, but such behavior will not be an impediment to succeed in their business. This same dream in a married woman suggests that there will be problems with the husband. When the horse is brown, suggests the two above listed symbols. Dream a stallion, he suggests unfulfilled sexual desires. Dream a hurt, injured or sick horse suggests that early difficulties in matters being handled or a friend needs your help will be presented. Dream a horse pulling a plow or implies that a vehicle must work hard to solve seemingly unsolvable problems. Dreamed of riding a horse of any color other than black and other than a skinny or sick animal, he intimates successes nearby. If the horse is white, fat and healthy, suggests a prosperity that will allow you to travel and enjoy comforts and material values. If this is a racehorse, suggests frivolity or precipitation of the dreamer, which is exposed to significant losses. Crossing a river dreamed mounted hints and important gains next horse. If the horse falls and the dreamer is coming out of the water and ground, he suggests that all the difficulties that arise will be overcome. If the horse walks into a slope and sliding dangerously insinuates that dreamer affairs are going very badly, so it should require greater attention. Dream a horse riding not let rejections indicates that there will be serious in all matters being handled, even family or emotional. If you manage to saddle and ride the horse suggests that the problems are not serious and will be overcome advantageously. Dreamed of killing a horse hints that (the) dreamer is hurting the sensitivity of people who have trusted him (her). Dreamed of attending horse races suggests the desire to lead a dissipated by having some ephemeral successes life. Dreamed of putting new shoes on a horse most likely it indicates that in everyday life is thinking or planning business not very honest but they redituarán representing significant profits, even knowing that it will also bring problems. This is a dream warning to avoid falling into dangerous temptations. When a woman dreams of riding and carrying on haunches suggests a man who wants a marriage proposal from a suitor who knows. But if you feel scared to go riding, then it indicates that in real life does not rely much on that pretender (in doubt). Dream wild horses grazing peacefully nearby insinuates success in being worked | but if the horses are skinny and very poor pasture and generally the countryside is sad, then it indicates otherwise. Dreamed of riding slowly insinuates that their affairs are going well, but require streamlining, otherwise the long run you will not produce good results. If instead will gallop, it may indicate that by ambition, he is losing control of its affairs….


Dreamed of possessing a good capital hints that his attitude will arouse envy and will create enemies that seek harm your family and friends. To dream that a family member or close friend receives certain capital hints that somehow soñante soon receive benefits. When a woman dreams of losing capital is given notice that you approach difficulties and dislikes for economic reasons. To dream that the capital available is insufficient to meet their needs and commitments announces the presence of various problems….


Dreaming to be a patient who are amputating a limb, may consciously dreamer knows in danger of losing some property or different values, the dreamer is having on daily life deep concerns because it fears heavy losses for various reasons, example bad business, heartbreak, lawsuits, or suffer a scam. The higher appears in the dream amputation, the greater the concern in the subconscious and, therefore, the greater the risks involved, but none of that is conscious. When sleep is that it is someone else who is suffering amputation, he suggests fears that soon die a family member or friend very close to the dreamer….


Dreamed hosted at a banquet and uncorking bottles to serve diners hints that soon enjoy benefits that will improve the economic and social conditions of the dreamer. Uncorking bottles or bottles dreamed of drugs suggests that they are losing energy, which bodes ill. Dream fishing rod cork floating in water indicates clean and quiet successes nearby. When the water is dirty and worse if agitated, it indicates that some unscrupulous people will produce different ailments and dislikes, perhaps through blackmail. Corking bottles dreamed indicates that it is handling well all his affairs. A young woman who dreams uncorking bottles of champagne hints that will soon bring you a lover of good economic position, but will question the reputation of the dreamer. This dream is a warning. Dream a corkscrew it implies being dissatisfied with what surrounds him, or that nothing pleases nor satisfied, which is creating her social or family problems. If the corkscrew is broken when used, it is a warning that, or change their way of being the dreamer, or their problems will worsen….


Dreaming rabbits announces favorable changes in life. For who handles business, this dream indicates lawful earnings. White rabbits, for singles, indicate next satisfactions, and for women promises of love. For married people indicates peace at home. Dreamed surrounded by rabbits scurry cheerful indicates that children, themselves or others, will contribute to happiness in the home. A rabbit fleeing dream suggests that you run the risk of losing valuables, mysterious and surprisingly, but that will get it all back. Dreamed of making an amulet with the leg of a rabbit reveals naivety or superstition in the dreamer. Dreaming people chasing a rabbit indicates that you have or have difficulties with their friends, which somehow affect the dreamer. Dreamed of shooting or beating a rabbit hints that should be applied all the energy against those who are creating problems….


Dreaming one or more angels occasionally is usually a good omen because it indicates joy, happiness, constant protection and help in all your affairs. This dream equates to see the guardian angel, whose symbol acts long term, ie throughout the life of the dreamer. When the angel appears bright and flying, but even so, it suggests that the dreamer is destined to enjoy success and fortune in the course of his life. When a close, severe and static angel appears in the dream, it is a reproach for the misconduct of the dreamer, and if it appears with a sword, is a condemnation with threat of serious punishment. When discussing several angels sleep, and worse if they enter fight, he suggests that issues the dreamer march very bad, and if they are already in the judicial field indicates the risk of losing the lawsuit appear. The dreams of angels have some variants | for example, if they are exaggerated dreams often and in diverse and poorly defined activities, often reveal that there are mental disorders that the same can be their own fault or by an external action. When angels dream frequently and enjoys sleep (it is received with joy and want to repeat) it indicates that the dreamer tends toward mysticism. Instead, when sleep produces an unpleasant feeling ill health often refers to relatives or friends….


Dreamed of witnessing a comedy or pantomime called friends insinuates that actually they are not, then just pretend. Dreamed of participating as an actor in a comedy, and worse in a pantomime, it is warning that friends or partners are losing confidence in the dreamer….


Dream lotteries of any kind implies that you want to receive easy money just because you do not have and because it is in financial straits. To dream that others receive lottery winnings indicates envy, but also likely to fun at the expense of others. Dreamed losing by playing lotteries hints that are at risk of being ripped off (a). A young woman who dreams participating in any way in any lottery insinuates itself insecurity, which will produce bad results. Dreamed of receiving a dowry or lottery prize indicates that it is or will soon be in difficult economic problems to solve, why crave an early, no matter whether it is miraculous….


Dream coins without determining their value, usually it indicates economic needs. Dreaming gold coins, and more if distinguishes its value, it implies that leads a comfortable life surrounded by fun, rides, parties, trips, etc. Dreaming silver coins without distinguishing their value implies dubious business, committed issues and family problems. Somewhat Improves indicated when silver coins appear new and shiny. A young woman who dreams that her lover gives him gold coins hints that their marriage will be economically filed. A young woman who dreams that her lover gives her silver coins, and worse if they are old, warns that must remain alert because, or is cheating or deceive soon. Dreaming several coppers indicates arduous drudgery and underpaid. Dream nickel coins or other metal poor he implies intense activity, hard work and constant business but very poor standard in every way. Dream small coins or old that no longer circulate suggests that their concerns are deteriorating rapidly, which soon lead to a very difficult both economically and health situation. Provides dreamed losing coins losses, frustrations and failures. Dreamed of finding in the ground coins of low value it suggests that plans or projects that do have future has begun. Checking or counting coins dreamed of little value insinuates that is well under way in business or relationships….


View a lamp in a dream symbolizes the direction, hope, inspiration, enlightenment and reinsurance. View a broken lamp in a dream suggests that is closing off those who are trying to help, it is also symbolic of misfortune and bad luck approach. View a lamp exploding in a dream suggests that you make enemies of quales are now friends. View a lamp lit in a dream means that some emotional issues are overwhelming you, you have lost your ability to find your own way. View a dull lamp in a dream indicates weakness of character, illness or bereavement….


To dream that loses one or more keys indicates the possibility of losing your jobs. On the other hand it indicates a confusing clarification attitudes and projection of new goals. Abrie dream that a door with a key means that it will enter a new situation. If the situation is good or bad, pay attention to the context of sleep. Dream that I will open a door and enters a room in which a person of the opposite sex marriage is announced. Poseea dream that a lot of keys symbolizing a purchase of goods or knowledge proportional to the number of keys in hand. To dream that has a difficulty in making turning the key in a lock means that we will make some difficulties and obstacles in good situations. See a broken key portends trouble and problems that impede the realization of a wish….


View or wear jewelry in a dream it means admiration, protection and caresses. It also symbolizes the pleasure, wealth and ambition. Losing jewelry in a dream means profits and development….


You dream of impotence is related to the fear of losing power or strength in real life….


Finding money in a dream means that soon receive very welcome news related to your economic situation. Finding money also indicates the pursuit of love or power. Counting money indicating profit and luck. See others have money means you have heavy material losses. Lose money in a dream it means serious disease or death. It may also mean temporary unhappiness at home and some setbacks in your affairs. You may feel weak, vulnerable and out of control in your waking life. Making money in a dream symbolizes success and prosperity. It can also mean your attitudes about love and heart. It is often a symbol of sexuality and energy. To dream that you give money to someone else means you’re looking for love, or feel that your partner does not pay enough attention to you. To dream that you have no money denotes that you have a fear of losing your place in the world or work. To dream that you steal money means that this in an unpleasant situation and needs help….


To dream that handles a putty means a risk of losing your fortune….


Dreaming that you are a necessity means a risk of losing your fortunes with gambling or speculation. To dream that others are in a must denotes that your actions affect others and disgrace….


 Hand cut the forecast loss and disease. thick, strong hands indicate increase in the number of the family. or expansion in the circle of friends. hairy hands are a sign of small problems. If you dream of losing hands portends possibility of job loss or death of someone known. Quarreling with another hand in hand means struggle or conflict with a powerful. fresh and beautiful hands are a sign of happiness and family harmony. 55 – Hands – A lucky number sleep hands – 55…


Dream shoes generally means your attitude toward life and convictions. also it suggests that you should put your feet on the ground. Dreaming changing shoes means they will change your behavior to new events or people. To dream that you forget the shoes indicates that tries to leave old prejudices. Dreaming losing your shoes means you’ll find what you want. Dreaming means not wearing shoes means you have lack of confidence and self-assurance. Dreaming of new shoes mean you should not be so sure of its success. Dream of wearing a new shoe indicates the approach of life. See old or worn shoes in a dream means that through diligence and hard work, you will achieve success. To dream that you are wearing the wrong shoes for the current activity indicates that your progress and path will be laborious. It may also indicate that targets the wrong direction and need to consider your goals. See baby shoes in a dream symbolizes purity, innocence, vulnerability, tenderness and desire for love. If you plan to have or already have a baby suggests that the baby puts your feet on the ground. On the other hand, a baby shoes indicate that most of the time on a site is rooted without possibility of leaving. See a wooden shoe in a dream means loneliness and sadness. View or wear sneakers in a dream suggests that goes through life with ease having small obstacles. It also denotes comfort and satisfaction of himself. Moreover, the dream indicates that you have an active life and is always moving….


See a wheel in a dream means difficult or impossible to solve situations. On the other hand a wheel means a continuation of situations and the ability to proceed toward goals. Losing a wheel of a vehicle shows losses, obstacles and mistakes. See a treadmill represents your feelings not go anywhere despite your hard work and effort. You feel stuck in a rut….


Dream that something is up on a ranch or on farm, it means effort, work, responsibility. Such dream can also mean your worries about money or losing work….


Abortion in a dream suggests that some idea or plan has not come to abortion. This dream can also serve as a warning against your behavior. You must alter your path or you can risk losing something valuable for you. Besides, the dream may indicate that you have wronged in some way. For pregnant women, dreams of abortions are common in the second trimester of pregnancy….


Blindfolded dreamed suggests that, due to negligence or other similar cause, it is hurting someone. This dream seems to be more common in women than in men, in which case it is love that may be illegal. If you are sick, the dream means fear of losing their sight. When the band appears over your eyes suffering from a disease means speedy recovery and progress. If you do not want to see ourselves immersed in pain and suffering, we must be very cautious and pay attention to everything around us. If we bandages, sleep suggests good changes in our lives after a time of worries and sorrows. Also augurs healing of our or someone close disease. If we are putting bandages to another, it means that we will be bearers of consolation for someone who is in dire need of it. Bad omen is that in the dream, bands appear bloody and usually indicate depression and cruelty. If you are a fan of gambling, it’s time to be prudent and not spend more than necessary….