
Cows are a very ancient symbol in dreams. Suffice it to recall the biblical passage about the seven fat cows and seven lean cows, dream of an Egyptian pharaoh played by Joseph, one of the sons of Jacob. Thus this ancient symbol and today is considered traditional bode well. Fat kine dream and the dreamer suggests that all is well and will continue at least in the immediate future. This dream a woman can mean that your wishes are carried out. Dreaming milking cows healthy and fat suggests that their affairs are going well. Dreaming lean on poor pasture fields symbolizes the opposite. Dream a stampeding cows ato suggests that their affairs will go from bad to worse due to the lack of control and threatening to cause significant losses. Dreamed milking cows means longing for profit, get rich quick, fun and pleasures | but if the cow in any way or strip wasted milk and milked, means imminent risk of failures in its activities. An artist or intellectual who dreams of young cows means a promise of significant improvement in their affairs (in society or economic successes in the near future) | but if the cows despite being young, are skinny and sick, the meaning is the opposite. Dreaming black, dirty, skinny and sickly cows not bode well. White and healthy cows dream is always promise of prosperity for the immediate future. When you see one or more calves in a dream it is a warning that a cruel disappointment by a person who is very estimated will be received….


 It symbolizes the rich and generous, goodness, patience and soil fertility. Normally when they appear in our dreams it indicates that we are missing some of their qualities, although other meanings = If the cows are fat and shiny portend wealth and prosperity. If they’re thin and impoverished indicate poverty. -A Pregnant cow usually announce an upcoming birth in the family or in our mind is brewing an idea, a project that will be profitable….


In the interpretation of dreams, the difference between the bull and the bull is the ox appears meek, docile, slow and sometimes old, while the bull is brave, agile and fast. When a woman haunted by dreams of an ox (meek) probably implies an unmet sexuality that supports hard, why you want to relate to any man. Oxen and cows dream malnourished because the pasture is very poor, he hints that bad times are coming: loss, damage, etc. This is a warning dream to be properly prepared. Dream oxen in the field, some fighting and other grazing peacefully, suggests that the dreamer will be involved in various problems because of nosy people, but also at fault due to negligence in their actions….


In dreams a docile and productive cow indicates prosperity in all your projects, but watch your personal affairs. Cows mean the realization of hopes and desires….