
Dreaming bows and arrows for sports generally indicates that enjoy wholesome entertainment, parties and maybe leisure travel. If in reality it is suffering some setbacks, they will soon be overcome. Dreaming bows and arrows of any kind, but old, worn or broken, indicating setbacks, failures and losses in their romantic relationships, business, employment, study, etc. To dream that someone throws an arrow announces danger, disease and even risk of death by accident….


Dream flutes or other wind instrument hints at upcoming loud parties with excessive frivolity, all outside the dreamer. When the instrument appears broken or badly damaged it indicates that the dreamer is self-criticism for being defrauding the faith and trust of their friends, partners, etc. Listening dreamed musical notes produced by flutes or other wind instrument similar suggests that the dreamer (especially women) will have to do something in defense of their honor or a family member. Dreamed of playing a flute he suggests that no matter what trame around the dreamer will be well rid of her honor. A woman who dreams this is likely to formalize romantic relationships with a military or someone who normally wear a uniform….


Firefighters dream indicates that intensive work has good friends. Dream a fire truck is a sign that there are deep concerns that it will overcome. Dream a fire truck and they put out a fire is a sign that all problems will be solved | but if firefighters fail to control the fire, or the car appears destroyed or broken and useless to work, existing problems will be exacerbated. A young man who dreams of a fire truck’s announcement that their romantic desires fail. A young woman who dreams firefighters at rest, inactive, hints that are at risk of having an accident, or some of his relatives or friends….


Dream any type of brake either a horse or a vehicle mechanic, is a warning in the sense that they should think carefully before deciding on new relationships, business, etc. Dream a broken, old or useless warning brake is to be withdrawn from the affairs in which he tries to intervene. If using a brake on sleep feels too soft or easy to handle is a warning that you may be the victim of deception, fraud or fraud….


Dream a generator or motor running is a symbol of power and success generating activity nearby | but if you sleep the device is broken or disarmed, he suggests that so are their issues, which announces disorders and loss….


A young woman who dreams her suitor using an ax, suggests that although man is a worker does not enjoy very good health. An ax dream indicates that you can not achieve your goals if you miss a real effort. Others dream of working with axes hints that other people live well because of their work and who is surrounded by active and dynamic people always prosper and fulfill their desires. Dream a old ax, broken, damaged, it indicates little chance of getting what you want, and if they are riches, the odds are much lower. Dream a stained ax, perhaps even blood is not very safe, it is unfortunate announcement, it indicates that it is in imminent danger of falling into trouble as a result of the character itself and irascible behavior. This dream advises that must control their impulses….


A woman who dreams sweet music of a guitar, but without seeing the musical instrument, indicates that if not firm and strong, can easily fall into illicit love or at least be deceived by false loves. This is what is meant by siren. If you see the guitar with broken strings, he suggests that soon lack the harmony around and even be sentimental breakups. A man who dreams of a guitar music insinuates that is likely to be driven by easy love that ultimately create problems. If you dream singing and playing a guitar or other stringed instrument, but against a woman he indicates that their claims can be reciprocated love. If you are also accompanied by friends who also play instruments and sing hints that soon return to their missing loved ones side. Any person who dreams pressing a guitar, although know not to touch, suggests that craves harmony and love around, perhaps for lack of it….


Dreamed of wearing gloves indicates that one must be cautious, mainly in money management. This is a warning to prevent legal problems. Dreamed of using dirty and broken gloves is warning to take precautions, as it may suffer losses even different values. To dream that you lost your gloves indicates that you should not rely on outside assistance and should plan to solve its problems by itself. Dreamed of finding gloves wedding is a probability or new business. When a man dreams of a woman’s glove in his hand indicates a woman who will try to dominate and blackmail. Dreamed of pulling off a glove hand suggests that businesses go wrong and if not addressed properly worsen….


Dream a generator or motor running is a symbol of power and success generating activity nearby | but if you sleep the device is broken or disarmed, he suggests that so are their issues, which announces disorders and loss….