
 First we see if there are sexual implications in which case its meaning can not be more evident. Otherwise = -Vernos naked amounts to be free from all hypocrisy. If we are happy it reflects the fatigue that causes us continuous pretend that society imposes on us. In extreme cases it can reveal the desire to leave all kinds of social life. If the dream we find uncomfortable nudity reflects the helplessness, powerlessness we experience social or professionally. It can also represent that we are ashamed of our own body. If we see other people naked sexual desires may be, or desire to know the intentions and thoughts of others about us….

Candlestick or lampstand

 Augurs well-being and wealth to be acquired with effort. If the candles go out during sleep portends that our work will have been in vain. This will unite the meaning of ” vela ” = – When the flame of a candle is strong, light and rises vertically with little smoke, it is that we know very well what we want in life. -A Candle flickering flame, which burns with difficulty and abundant smoke indicates that our ideas are fragile and unstable. If fade is that we are reaching the limits of our possibilities. It imposes a break. When we light a candle to illuminate a dark place and well lit, it indicates that decisively and effectively undertake a spiritual preparation our journey inward. If burns with difficulty indicates that we are not yet ready for this trip….


 It is a symbol of power and strength. Hair dreams if they match our real aspect meaningless. If we are with long silky hair indicates that we have good capabilities to succeed. With thinning hair, loss and misfortune. If we drop or cut us it is completely ruin. If we cut it voluntarily, spiritual elevation. -Soñarnos Bald in real life and have hair loss portends friends. -the frizzy hair difficulties. -Despeinados, Embezzlement. Very care, superficiality. -Black, great capacity to love. -Rubios, Friendship. -Castaños, Sincerity. -Pelirrojos, Jealousy. -white, Dignity and wisdom….


Dream hair is a symbol of sensuality and health. The state of hair in your dreams is important for interpreting meaning. For example if the hair has many knots it represents some uncertainty or confusion. Dream hair cut can represent weakness and doubts. Dreaming of hair loss is related to concerns of growing, or it can mean that you feel vulnerable and weak. To dream that her hair suddenly becomes white can mean you have learned something very important. White hair symbolizes wisdom….


If you who takes another person in sleep, may your unconscious you are talking about a lack of meaning in your life, and if you’re the one adopted, can translate the dream by a notice of lack of affection or need for protection and support. It can also mean responsibilities that are affecting those who do not correspond….


If we see wide, empty, lost in the horizon it is a magnificent dream that makes manifest wish to improve, and our unconscious confirms that our hopes are well founded. But if we see an alley the meaning is the opposite and will be worth it carefully analyze the situations in which we are involved because they can come difficulties….


Dreaming of your partner represents your relationships and feelings. It is important to analyze what role does your partner in the dream and what feelings you cause him to analyze well the meaning. To dream that you have a partner, when in real life this bachelor / a symbolizes a relationship, or a compromise….


According to the theory of Freud’s dream landscape symbolizes the human body. Dream landscapes that constantly change indicates psychological or emotional transitions. It also represents different stages in your life. Moreover this dream offers several points of view looking at an idea or situation. You should try to identify things that appear in the landscape and look at its meaning, to understand the options available. See a beautiful landscape in a dream it represents prosperity and abundance….


The meaning in dreams depends on the type of bramble, brambles usually mean bad relations with family members and other relatives can get to become very difficult. It is also an indicator that would be very wise to take precautions because it is very possible that economic losses and labor problems arise….


Murders dream is that soon will be forced to take a trip. It will be intermixed in trouble and some that another difficulty. To dream that you have committed a murder, it indicates that you end an old habit and to your previous ways of thinking. This could also mean an end to an attachment. Alternatively, you may have some aggression or anger is repressed or others. To dream that you witness a murder, it indicates deep-seated anger toward someone. Consider how the victim represents aspects of yourself that you want to destroy or remove. To dream that you kill, he suggests that has separated some important and meaningful relationship and you are trying to disconnect from your emotions. It also represents your unusual talents. Note also that the dreams of murder often occur during periods of depression….


See a mosaic in your dream, it represents the various aspects and components. You need to consider things in a broader perspective. Things may seem insignificant and meaningless, but you need to be stand back and consider the big picture….


If there are sexual implications in sleep, its meaning is clear, but otherwise can estarse showing the desire to be free from hypocrisy. If we are happy as we are naked, it may be an escape from social conditioning. But if we feel uncomfortable, it may reflect a latent helplessness….


Symbolically is a transition from one level to another, and must be taken into account when interpreting the dream, the ladder type, the shape of the steps, and if we are rising or falling. Sometimes, when in sleep a spiral staircase appears, accompanied by some anguish that indicates a waste of time and energy by achieving a goal that shows little value. Many authors also serve the spiritual meaning of the rise….


 All dreams of notes have a similar meaning. One thing in this life are the capabilities and qualities we possess quite another role in which we play. Many times we are forced to live far below or far above our true capabilities….


 -The Most common meaning is sexual, especially if they are young dreamers. It also symbolizes wisdom and healing power. -See A sleeping snake it indicates that our instinctual forces are asleep. If you wake up and cause us fear glides it reveals desires of a spiritual evolution. -To Dream with a snakeskin or see it as silent indicates that a profound evolutionary change is coming. If poisonous snakes appear indicating fear it is to meet in embarrassing situations….


 The bracelet is a symbol of continuity while protecting and isolates. If you have precious stones it joins the meaning of the stone to the cuff. If a bracelet is broken announces the breakdown of the marriage. Losing a bracelet disputes portends who gave it. -Ponerselo Another person indicates our desire to dominate….


 The ring is a symbol of continuity while protects and insulates. If marriage is a partnership deF indicates a promise of marriage. -In Case of a seal is a symbol of power. If you have precious stones it joins the meaning of the stone ring. If it breaks an alliance announces the breakdown of the marriage. Losing a ring disputes portends who gave it. -Ponerselo Another person indicates our desire to dominate….


 Reveals dissatisfaction due to mental, emotional or professional reasons. If we dream we eat something we do not like portends that we will face something unpleasant. Also the meaning culties to chew or swallow. -Eat Accompanied reveals friendship and affinity with others. -Eat Alone, sadness and depression. If we eat natural foods and simple means that we are redeeming life experiences. If we eat sweets it means we welcome and positive emotional experiences. If the dream informs us of the price or steal candy reveals an excess of sentimentality….


Emotionality, fertility and purification. The rain in dreams has a beneficial meaning of wealth and abundance, although downpours dream indicates that there will be some interference until they get the benefits….


To interpret this element in our dream we observe its color and lighting, and if it is a green and very sunny meadow, is an omen of prosperity. We will also complete the interpretation, searching for the meaning of the elements that appear on the meadow, such as flowers or animals….


Symbolizes security and clear direction, so it can be understood as referring to the meaning that is taking our life, or any of their plots that concerns us….

Wild beasts

 Meaning of approaching danger….