Stone (s)

Dreamed hurt by a stone or other projectile without knowing the origin, it suggests that soon will be stumbles and setbacks in their activities. When you know who hit him and the dreamer successfully defended the attack, it may mean that their problems will not be of importance. Someone suggests stoning dreamed concubinage, love affairs, various adventures, usually lacking morals and good customs. Dreaming stumbling stones is announced in advance of its business and affairs. Dreamed of walking between rocks or climbing over rocks suggests that require great effort to partially solve their problems….


Dreaming about a policeman in a threatening manner, while the dreamer knows innocent of any wrongdoing, it may mean that someone is cheating on him, putting his honor and property. If the dreamer feel guilty of wrongdoing, then that dream is a warning and a self criticism of the conduct in daily life, which must be corrected. Dreamed threatened arrest by a police officer or hypocritically he approaches may mean that false friends try to defraud the dreamer. It also suggests that the dreamer longs to soar, but has failed for lack of preparation or the necessary capacity. Dreamed of calling a police insecurity suggests itself (a). Dreamed guarded by a policeman suggests are making mistakes that can become serious and dangerous. Dream suggests that a strong police failures, attacks of enemies or moments of bad luck and life changes are coming. Dreamed as police suggests the likelihood of being involved in a delicate matter that will question their honor and prestige. Followed by a policeman dreamed it may mean that you are participating in illegal and dangerous affairs or business. Dreaming police is always a bad dream, it suggests that soon there will be many problems, but not cause the dreamer. Dreamed arrested (a) by a policeman accused of a crime he is innocent, he is announcing that happen penalties, but eventually will triumph. Dream a parade of police indicates serious changes in the life of the dreamer, if this is not a cop. Dreamed arrested by police for wrongdoing is a self accusation to be acting dishonestly detriment of others….


Dreamed bitten by a rabid animal, he suggests that dangerous enemies are trying to hurt you. Dreaming others attacked hydrophobicity, suggests that peace and prosperity in the family and in the home will be affected by foreign interests….


Fleas dream can mean discomfort created by my enemies, which can become serious problems unless they attack opportunely suffer. A woman who dreams fleas, and worse if you feel itchy, may mean that not all those around her are sincere. When a woman dreams fleas on her lover, it may mean that he is betraying….


Dreaming of a means that will steadfastness of purpose and strong will ring. To dream that gave him a ring means that feel strongly tied to the problems and circumstances of life. To dream that you are the person who gives the ring means you have confidence in your family. See a ring on her finger in a dream means the prize for effort. It also indicates loyalty to your ideals, responsibilities and belief. See a broken ring in a dream means an attack on your loyalty. It is indicative of disappointments and separation. To dream that loses a ring or that someone has stolen your ring suggests you lose something or someone near and dear. Receiving a dream denotes that her suspicions and concerns about the lover will end ring….