
Dreamed of fishing in a small canoe sailing in calm waters indicates stranglehold on itself and therefore can manage and govern their lives and their businesses successfully. Browse this same way, but accompanied by a loved one, if both are single insinuates close marriage | if they are already married, it indicates well-matched marriage and happy home. When the canoe sailing in dirty water indicates that life and business will go from bad to worse or that social relations will deteriorate. Dreaming running water of any kind always indicates the present and immediate future, the latter depending on how the waters look: clean and clear or dirty and muddy | calm or turbulent….


Dreamed prisoner indicates that lives in unpleasant environment because their enemies constantly attacking him and try to harm you. To dream that others confined in a fortress or prison suggests that the dreamer has the ability and energy to dominate the competition and achieve success in their business or employment. Dreamed with weapons in hand defending a fortress suggests that some enemies try to damage the dreamer, but fail in their attempt. Dreamed successfully attacking a fortress indicates that overcome enemies and obstacles that come your way. This dream, in the sentimental aspect, indicating probable marriage, and married people indicates reconciliation. A young man who dreams that her lover is in jail implies that the guy is not a reliable person and has already begun to disappoint. When a man or a woman dream when locked in prison indicates that they feel surrounded by extreme limitations, and in some cases suggests various dangers around them that can be consequences of a wrong or conduct intrigues of enemies. Dreamed of leaving prison hints coming successes in its activities, in spite of his enemies. Others dream in prison indicates loved ones who suffer due to their inability to avoid it. Dreaming a prison in any form usually implies that the dreamer is surrounded by limitations and problems, especially moral situation that makes it constantly craving a release and at the same time a shift away from himself. Limitations and problems may well be real or just mental, that it must analyze and decide the dreamer. Imprisoned dreamed indicates that there may be problems associated in some way with dishonest people. Dreamed of escaping from prison indicated the desire to break away from matters little or not recommended and finally get it. Dreaming a jailer hints that something bad is plotting against the dreamer, with the intervention of women. Dream a riot of inmates who try to force bars to escape is a symbol of evil against the dreamer | perhaps in the case of maneuvers to try to satisfy it….


A young woman who dreams of going from a cemetery graves go to the temple to marry, it may mean that soon become a widow. An adult woman carrying flowers to the cemetery dream suggests that their luxuries and family are in good health and there is no reason to worry. A widow who dream of walking in a cemetery may mean that soon married again, this time running with better luck. Dreamed in a cemetery or pantheon may mean that dead loved ones who were supposed actually are not and soon you will hear from them. Abandoned and forgotten graves dream suggests that friends or distant relatives who already forgetting, soon will be present. Elderly who somehow dream of cemeteries is a sign of physical fatigue and who yearn for a true and prolonged rest….


Dreaming rabbits announces favorable changes in life. For who handles business, this dream indicates lawful earnings. White rabbits, for singles, indicate next satisfactions, and for women promises of love. For married people indicates peace at home. Dreamed surrounded by rabbits scurry cheerful indicates that children, themselves or others, will contribute to happiness in the home. A rabbit fleeing dream suggests that you run the risk of losing valuables, mysterious and surprisingly, but that will get it all back. Dreamed of making an amulet with the leg of a rabbit reveals naivety or superstition in the dreamer. Dreaming people chasing a rabbit indicates that you have or have difficulties with their friends, which somehow affect the dreamer. Dreamed of shooting or beating a rabbit hints that should be applied all the energy against those who are creating problems….


Dreaming one or more paths, usually it indicates that the dreamer a constant concern due to dubious conditions found his affairs, business, love, etc., which produces a constant desire to make changes in your life . The chances of these changes almost always appear in the same dream showing the difficulties or facilities to do so. For example: A large, long and clean, easy to navigate, way indicate that all is well in your life and will remain so for some time. On the contrary, a narrow, muddy, rocky and difficult to navigate way indicate abundance of problems, indicating that longs the change will not be easy or immediate. A path that appears suddenly blocked by a wall or other obstacle as it would be a huge rock, or simply ends, indicate that one should not expect speedy victory in the change longs, because the problems are greater and perhaps insurmountable. Such a dream implies change tactics, purposes and possibly to the reasons, so it should make a general review of their affairs, which usually requires time and patience. Dreaming several paths that cross indicates no self-confidence and that will prevent you from seizing opportunities that are presented to overcome. Dreaming one or more paths, sidewalks, roads, etc., indicates upcoming trips. Dreamed of walking or observing one or more unknown paths it indicates that soon will have to address new issues, namely, that certain actions that will miss the time without appreciable utility will start. Blowing on a road fenced with beautiful trees and flowers indicates that the dreamer is approaching success in what he has undertaken. Dreamed in a beautiful way of several people accompanied it indicates joy and prosperity at home. If the dreamer, man or woman, is to marry, it indicates happiness with spouse. Dreamed lost in an unfamiliar way indicates that they are making mistakes that endanger what has been achieved, yet there may be serious failures and losses. Dreamed of walking on a narrow, stony path is announcement of problems and difficulties to be solved, require a lot of dedication and work. To dream that has lost its way suggests mental confusion, which explains the problems that are going through. Dreamed of walking down an easy path, lined with green grass and abundant flowers, hints that all his affairs are going well and will soon reach the success. Dreamed of walking on a dark night by an unknown way indicates that he is intervening in risky affairs and that can lead to serious problems. When a woman dreams of walking briskly hints that yearns for something difficult to acquire, but eventually get it. Walking along a path or narrow path usually means that illicit love with a married person shall be taken….


Hugs dream usually indicates hypocrisy, deceit, falsehood, especially if the dreamer who gets a hug. Dreamed of embracing the spouse it indicates that there will be discussions and difficulties misunderstandings and perhaps suspicion. When the hug is with an elderly person, someone insinuates disease in the family. Hugs between lovers dream almost always indicates dissension, strife and even break in relations. Dreamed of embracing a foreign person he implies the upcoming visit of someone undesirable. Dreamed of hugging someone suggests that there will be disappointments in love or very close friends. When a woman dreams embracing an unknown man suggests a hidden desire to have any unlawful conduct. A married woman who dreams lovingly embracing a man who is not her husband, is a warning that is putting at risk and questioned his honor. Hugs in dreams, whether given as if received, usually foreshadow the departure of a beloved family member or friend. Sometimes these hugs are a warning that not all the affection that are received are sincere. It’s better just to trust those people and especially friends who have really given samples that can be trusted….


A young man who dreams buttons sticking to a military uniform reveals that craves love, but thinking of a prince. When a young man dreams of hitting a military uniform buttons reveals that aspires to join the military and become a hero to receive honors. An adult who dream married sticking to your clothes buttons implies that there is love and peace in your home. Dreaming gold and silver buttons indicates that acts driven by ostentation and waste both time and money. Dream of a button wearing clothing that indicates that lives in a climate of anxiety and possibly unwarranted anxiety is lost. Old and faulty handling dreamed buttons indicates poor health and various problems, including economic….


Dream a severed arm, either their own or not, it indicates divorce (if married) or breaking of relations and commitments (if a proposed marriage), which usually happens as a result of intrigues by those around the couple. Dreaming arms that stretch to the dreamer suggests honest friends, to receive protection When those arms appear sick, malnourished or emaciated, she hints health conditions for the dreamer. Dreaming one or more healthy, strong and agile arms indicates that you are receiving help at least moral. Weak and immobile arms dream reveals that the dreamer is in a state of mental and physical restlessness due to uncertainty and doubts that do not allow you to make decisions. Dreaming one or more arms sick, wounded, bleeding or broken hints that soon losses and various ailments such as business failures, material and emotional losses, illness more or less serious of a family will suffer when those hugs appear behind a lattice announce the likelihood that someone close to the dreamer falls in jail….


Dreaming several horses trotting calmly indicates hopes of reaching the desires that have not materialized. It also tends to indicate that highly valued friendships are suffering some pain, for example by failures in business or disease. Dreaming one or more horses in passive attitude bodes well, as insinuated quiet days, no worries. Dream a quiet and grazing white horse is a symbol of strength to succeed and health to enjoy life, which speaks of a good future. If riding on that white horse indicates broad prosperity and important friendships. Dream a black horse suggests bad temper and brutal mistreatment and even to respectable people, but such behavior will not be an impediment to succeed in their business. This same dream in a married woman suggests that there will be problems with the husband. When the horse is brown, suggests the two above listed symbols. Dream a stallion, he suggests unfulfilled sexual desires. Dream a hurt, injured or sick horse suggests that early difficulties in matters being handled or a friend needs your help will be presented. Dream a horse pulling a plow or implies that a vehicle must work hard to solve seemingly unsolvable problems. Dreamed of riding a horse of any color other than black and other than a skinny or sick animal, he intimates successes nearby. If the horse is white, fat and healthy, suggests a prosperity that will allow you to travel and enjoy comforts and material values. If this is a racehorse, suggests frivolity or precipitation of the dreamer, which is exposed to significant losses. Crossing a river dreamed mounted hints and important gains next horse. If the horse falls and the dreamer is coming out of the water and ground, he suggests that all the difficulties that arise will be overcome. If the horse walks into a slope and sliding dangerously insinuates that dreamer affairs are going very badly, so it should require greater attention. Dream a horse riding not let rejections indicates that there will be serious in all matters being handled, even family or emotional. If you manage to saddle and ride the horse suggests that the problems are not serious and will be overcome advantageously. Dreamed of killing a horse hints that (the) dreamer is hurting the sensitivity of people who have trusted him (her). Dreamed of attending horse races suggests the desire to lead a dissipated by having some ephemeral successes life. Dreamed of putting new shoes on a horse most likely it indicates that in everyday life is thinking or planning business not very honest but they redituarán representing significant profits, even knowing that it will also bring problems. This is a dream warning to avoid falling into dangerous temptations. When a woman dreams of riding and carrying on haunches suggests a man who wants a marriage proposal from a suitor who knows. But if you feel scared to go riding, then it indicates that in real life does not rely much on that pretender (in doubt). Dream wild horses grazing peacefully nearby insinuates success in being worked | but if the horses are skinny and very poor pasture and generally the countryside is sad, then it indicates otherwise. Dreamed of riding slowly insinuates that their affairs are going well, but require streamlining, otherwise the long run you will not produce good results. If instead will gallop, it may indicate that by ambition, he is losing control of its affairs….


When a woman dreams of looking earrings without touching them, and the more valuable and beautiful best, indicates that a job or have important business in the future. If you dream that you are using and wearing, it indicates a serious risk of loss of prestige among friends, even if the dreamer does not give reasons for this. This same dream in a married woman announces problems at home, with spouse or family, particularly his. A woman who dreams of beautiful earrings of another woman who is looking, indicates that someone close is at risk of falling into various problems, including legal, that somehow affect the dreamer. A woman or a man who dreams broken earrings, indicates that you are at risk of falling into trouble, even legal, perhaps because of his recklessness….


He insinuates himself dreaming neck upcoming difficulties with family and friends because they interfere in the affairs and business of the dreamer. Dreaming neck of another person, especially if it is of a beautiful woman, announces family and emotional problems. A young man who dreams his own fat and ugly neck, suggests that the dreamer knows he is temperamental, which produces problems. A woman who dreams that he was given and put a beautiful necklace in the neck, is happy announcement relationships that can lead to marriage, and if he is already married, then announced a gift of the husband….


Dreamed in Eden is a chimerical dream and hope. Dreamed in Eden, the Garden of Eden, it indicates that you are or want to be surrounded by sincere and willing to help friends. It is a dream that reveals confidence in the future no matter what difficulties have to go. A married woman who dreams of an Eden indicates that trust the husband and their children grow up healthy, smart, etc., and reach high levels in society. An Eden dream when you are sick in bed or in very bad economic or other conditions indicates confidence that better times….


Dreamed with unshaven indicates that their affairs successfully walk. Dreamed with well-groomed beard and that he combs or stroke, is a clear sign of male vanity that annoys other producing negative effects | but if it is cutting or shaving, it is warning that the dreamer feels hurt, wounded in his vanity. Dreaming someone with a beautiful blonde and very long beard in the manner of the prophets, it suggests that the dreamer is not acting properly and must seek and accept advice. To dream that someone is shaving suggests that the health of someone close to deteriorate. If sleep is a woman being shaved indicates another person mourning disease and even possible, if the woman is pregnant, she suggests that the unborn child is male. Dreaming a person known black or red beard announces setbacks, if it appears white indicates disappointments, particularly amorous, if the beard is graying she suggests brawls. Dreaming known someone with a vulgar and unkempt beard indicates that should not have dealings with that person and avoid business because they can not get along because that person will always try to impose their will and their personal interest. Dreamed that someone with a beard and pulls it insinuates that are running serious risks with likely material losses. A young, unwed you dream admiring a man’s beard suggests that she has the desire to get married soon, but for the hastiness risk an unfortunate marriage….


Dream trash widespread over insinuates that are being made wrong business or that have negative social or romantic relationships floor, all of which produce bad results. A young woman who dreams trash on the floor of your home, suggests that her lover or not worth it or is deluded and bitter existence. A married woman who dreams trash on the floor of his house suggests that the husband is not what she dreamed or that their friends are not reliable….


To dream that is plaguing someone means for married find peace in your marriage, for singles usually means happiness in love. Dream that strikes a lover means that their privacy will not last long….


When a woman dreams of money, especially in abundance, suggests that want to marry a rich man, or if you are already married, the husband longs to become rich. Dreamed of finding money lying on the floor or otherwise indicates shortage of it and also little worries, but later happiness because there will be changes in your life. Dreamed of paying money suggests that the business and affairs being handled will go from bad to worse. To dream that saves money and saves suggests the near future of prosperity. To dream that money was lost announces sad and difficult for the dreamer and home times. To dream that you are counting money and appear missing indicates concerns for inability to pay its debts. Dreamed of getting money without apparent cause is a risk of falling into the wrong and even dangerous attitudes. Dreamed of getting gold coins basically it states that in your life will be joys and perhaps prosperity. Finding packages dreamed legal bills, but once someone claims them, announces losses in the business and affairs being handled, due to the presence of unscrupulous women. This dream usually associated with people who lead a dissipated life and dishonorable which explains the losses. Dreamed of watching a lot of money, but not touching, or even desire it indicates self-confidence, and if you make an effort will have wealth and prosperity. Dreamed borrowing money is a bad omen, because that same thing could happen in real life, or your friends start to withdraw their support….


One or more cots dream is always joy promise. If the crib is occupied by a beautiful baby, then it is success announcement to be achieved through hard work. Dreamed cradling a baby in her crib symbolizes work and happiness. This dream woman is a serious warning of what to expect when she married, why should remain alert to their immediate future….


A woman, especially if it is young and unmarried, who dreams of a sunset, should analyze, first, their concerns by age and by economic means available for both the present and the future, because if normally have concerns about these causes, that is the logical explanation of sleep. When a man or woman dream of a beautiful sunset indicates that this weather is nice and the immediate future will be nice for favor them in many ways | for example, will receive demonstrations of affection from family and friends. Dreaming about a cloudy or rainy evening suggests future discomfort and not just serious, but time-consuming difficulties….


Dreamed in a coffin always advised revise own behavior, as the coffin announces various losses, including the death of someone close. This symbol is especially important if the dreamer is praying beside the coffin. Dream a coffin covered with flowers, especially if they are white, inside an illuminated temple, suggests that soon there will be a wedding in the family, but that marriage will fail. Dreamed lying inside a coffin, without details, it indicates long life for the dreamer. Dream of a coffin moving by itself suggests a serious illness in the family or marriage if he is married dreamer. In case you are to marry, sleep can announce impediments for the wedding. Dreamed of using a coffin as a seat inside the carriage that transported him to the cemetery announces major disorders and disease a relative or friend. Watching dreamed up a coffin to a hearse is announcement of serious problems at home, as well as frequent brawls in marriage or dating….


Dream a railroad has several meanings, depending on the interpretation of the issues that are at hand. Dream a railway passenger announced that will be a short trip movement. Blowing on a railway marching slowly insinuates that is restless (a) because their business affairs or no progress with the expected speed. Dreamed of traveling by train when it passes by a insinuates that you are considering getting involved in dark and dangerous issues that will alter their lives tunnel. Dream a parked railroad indicates that their issues do not progress, why should require greater attention, avoiding the intervention of selfish people and enemies. If the train is parked because the path is broken or obstructed, then he hints that someone is betraying the dreamer. Dream a parked railroad freight is announcing that its business affairs or delayed. Trudging dreamed about the sleepers of a railway indicates that hard times are coming. Dreamed of walking cheerful and balanced on the rail of a railroad close announces successes due to his own ability and skills. Dream of a railroad track flooded with water is clean and transparent announced that its affairs are going well, albeit with some delay. However, if the flood is muddy, it indicates that suffer serious disorders with risk of loss. Dreamed aboard a parked railroad which fell sad or weepy people suggests that the risk of a disease or engaging in dishonest and dangerous treatment run. This dream in love or married usually announces break in relations. To dream that loses railroad late insinuates that because of him lose valuable opportunities. If rail travel a loved one, usually indicates the death of a relative or a very dear person….

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