
Black, indicating misfortune, illness, anger or annoyance. White, portend wedding or social engagement. 24 – Pen – A lucky number sleep pen – 24…


A written paper indicates that receive welcome news. A white paper, means love and pure pleasures. A wallpaper, sign of hypocrisy and jealousy. 54 – paper – A lucky number dream role – 54…


White butterflies dream means you will receive an unexpected joy. If you are black presage disease or mourning. 86 – Butterfly – A lucky number dream butterfly – 86…


White, short trip that will provide great fun. Red affliction. 97 – Liston – A lucky number liston sleep – 97…


 Symbolizes love and passion. If they are red it will be a passionate love. -white Indicates that we can trust the love that promise. -Amarillos That this love will be accompanied by jealousy….